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Taehyung stays behind to finish cleaning up the mess while Jungkook checks on Soobin, who is probably traumatised. Jungkook opens the theatre door while his body trembles because of his nerves. He doesn't know how to explain what Soobin saw, since it's obvious what they were doing.

"Soobin..." Jungkook says, hoping that Soobin would turn around—he's covering his eyes, head down, facing towards the wall between the door and lockers.

"I'm sorry," Soobin mutters.

Jungkook pulls on Soobin's shoulder, turning him around. Soobin refuses to make eye contact. "No, I'm sorry. I forgot I asked you to come and I... I'm so embarrassed."

Soobin looks at Jungkook for a few seconds before looking away again. Soobin's cheeks are redder than Jungkook's.

"Are you and Taehyung..." Soobin doesn't finish his sentence.

Anyone could come to that conclusion after seeing that. Heck, Jungkook would think the same thing and he doesn't blame Soobin for making assumptions. He was angry when Taehyung said that it was only Soobin, but to be frank, it's probably the best-case scenario if you don't count not getting caught at all.

"No! —I mean, it's not what it looks like." Jungkook ruffles his hair in frustration. He knows Soobin won't tell anyone, but what if someone else walked in? What if that person is not Soobin? He needs to be more careful and not let his hormones take charge.

"Friends don't do those things... At least that's what I thought." Soobin thins his lips. "What is it?"


"Friends with benefits?!"

Soobin's outburst startles Jungkook. How does Soobin even know that terminology? That's the real mystery. He doesn't say anything because Taehyung exits the theatre and greets the two with a smug grin.

"Hey," Taehyung says.

Jungkook hits Taehyung on the head lightly, pissed off with his smug face. What is there to be proud of here?

"Are you sure you guys aren't dating?" Soobin asks.

When Taehyung attempts to speak, Jungkook hits him again. Jungkook does his best glare, hoping Taehyung knows not to expose them. No one can know, not even Soobin—knowing that they were sucking each other's faces off is enough. There has to be some way to cover this.

"We were just playing around," Taehyung says to Jungkook's demise. "Experimenting. You know, two teenagers going through puberty, having urges—"

"Shut up," Jungkook snaps, covering his ears. He doesn't want to hear another word from Taehyung right now.

"Don't worry. I think I understand," Soobin says.

Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "You do?"

Soobin nods. "I get urges too."

Jungkook and Taehyung gasp in unison. Soobin's words shock Jungkook and he refuses to acknowledge that they came out of Soobin's mouth.

"See, Jungkook? We all get urges," Taehyung says, testing Jungkook's nerves. "It's only natural."

Jungkook facepalms. There is nothing natural about their relationship. Nothing at all.


"Thank you, Mrs Jeon. The food was lovely," Soobin says, standing up to put his empty plate in the sink. Despite the embarrassment, Soobin still came over for dinner. Jungkook's mother welcomed Soobin with open arms.

The dining room air has a different vibe when Soobin is here. Jungkook can already tell his mother wants to adopt Soobin—he'll give Taehyung a run for his money.

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