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Jungkook watches the clouds go by as he lays on cardboard box remains. The rooftop has become his regular escape-from-reality place just to lay back and think about absolutely nothing. He ignores the constant buzzing of his phone, assuming they are more of the infamous messages. On the plus side, no one but a select few knows the real reason behind them, although he is not sure how long that will last. But here he is, doing nothing about it, once again.

My lips are still waiting. 

 My cheeks, my hand, my arm, my neck... Kiss them better?

I have a surprise for you. 

Second period. Janitor's closet

Rooftop, now.

Close your eyes, and don't open them.

"I wish I never opened my eyes," Jungkook sobs, putting an arm up to cover his vision. He stays like this for a few minutes, keeping his eyes closed until he hears a noise. "Hello?" He calls out.

Jungkook sits up, scanning the rooftop. "Hello?" He repeats. His eyes jolt to a figure crouched up in the corner, silently sobbing. "Mina?"

"What do you want?" Mina manages to get out in between sobs.

"When did you get here? I thought I was the only one up here... And why are you crying?"

"I've been here the whole time, stupid," Mina replies, refusing to look up.

Jungkook dries his tears as he stands up to walk towards her. Why is she crying? He should be the one crying, not her. After all she has put him through, she is up here in his space—yes, it is his.

"What do you want?" Mina asks, wiping her tears onto her sleeve.

"What do I want? Are you kidding?" Jungkook's eyes start to flare up in rage. "Why are you doing this to me? Haven't you had enough fun already?"

"I had to do it; you don't understand," Mina mumbles, standing up.

"No, that is some bullshit right there. You chose to put me through hell just because things didn't work out the way you wanted. Cut the crap, Mina. I know it is you who is sending the messages to everyone in the school."

"I did warn you..."

"You do know what you're doing is absolutely insane?!"

Mina looks directly into Jungkook's eyes fiercely but hurt. "I told you if I couldn't have him, neither of us can."

"So you're going to expose me in front of the whole school?"

"No. It's not you who I'm exposing," Mina says, dropping her gaze downward. "Over the break, I have realised I've focused my anger on the wrong person."

Jungkook furrows his brows, confused at the statement.

"Taehyung has betrayed me," she continues. "He's not the boy I knew." Tears start to fall from her eyes once again.

"N-Not the boy you knew? Honestly, what the hell are you on about?" Jungkook scowls. "You've never known Taehyung, enough of the lies, Mina."

"That is where you are mistaken. H-Has he not spoken about me before?" Mina asks, almost as if Jungkook's statement broke her heart.

Jungkook shakes his head in reply. He has known Taehyung since the very beginning. They have been best friends since primary school, how can some random girl who transferred into their school this year somehow know Taehyung prior to that?

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