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Tuesday mornings have gotten easier now that he has Soobin as his partner in food studies. Jimin is also in this class. He's kind of grown to like Soobin. He's probably the most inoffensive friend Jungkook has—there's not much competition, and yes, Taehyung is the definition of offensive. He wrote another list—cause he does that; A list of reasons why Taehyung is offensive.

Reason 1; Taehyung doesn't understand the concept of privacy and space. After Soobin left last night, Taehyung insisted on staying over, which is why this list exists. Taehyung can no longer sleep in the guest room. His reason? It's haunted, apparently. So now he hogs up his entire bed, and in the middle of the night, they end up spooning; Jungkook cannot pinpoint how and why it happens.

Reason 2; Taehyung doesn't know how to knock before entering. The amount of times Taehyung has barged in while Jungkook is changing is endless. He accidentally left the bathroom door unlocked while he was in the shower once, and Taehyung didn't even bat an eye—in fact, he had the audacity to comment on Jungkook's arse. I'm sure we all remember how that ended.

Reason 3; Taehyung happily prances around getting away with everything. He rarely ever gets in trouble, and he always gets what he wants, while Jungkook has to claw his way from behind. That's not even the offensive part; what makes this all offensive is that Taehyung is so nonchalant about it. Like c'mon, at least acknowledge the pretty-boy privilege.

Reason 4; Taehyung—looking the way he does—makes Jungkook feel funny and question his sanity. Because of his annoyingly good looks, Jungkook has to deal with his stupid admirers and now he's got himself being blackmailed by one of them. If Taehyung could tone down the hotness, perhaps Jungkook wouldn't have to stress about the double date later today.

"Want a biscuit?" Soobin asks Taehyung, pushing the container of biscuits towards him.

Earlier in food studies, Soobin insisted on taking the almonds out of the biscuit recipe, even though the recipe they were using is literally named almond biscuits. Without almonds, what does that make the almond biscuit then? That aside, because of this, Soobin accidentally slipped that Yoongi is allergic to nuts—information Jungkook wasn't ready to process, because one; what does that have to do with their almond biscuits, and two; Yoongi is allergic to nuts?! Jungkook couldn't control his amusement. Yes, it might sound horrible, but Jungkook thinks it's hilarious that a mere nut can defeat the mighty Yoongi.

Yoongi who's cool and sleek. Yoongi who is grumpy and stern. Yoongi who hates Jungkook and has some sort of connection with Soobin that Soobin is refusing to tell Jungkook. Yes, that Yoongi.

Jungkook tried to pry into the relationship, but Soobin didn't budge. All he knows is that Soobin wanted to bake biscuits for the guy, and who is Jungkook to stop him? But now he's left with almondless biscuits—is almondless a word?

Taehyung reaches his hand into the container, grabbing one of the biscuits. "What type of biscuit are they?"

"Almond biscuits without almonds," Jungkook nonchalantly says.

Taehyung snorts. "Doesn't that just make them plain biscuits?" He takes a bite out of one. "It's a bit bland."

Jungkook gasps. "Don't insult our hard work."

Mina and her stupid packed lunch sits down next to Taehyung. She slides it in front of Taehyung.

Mina and her fucking packed lunch. No Jungkook is not jealous.

"I made this one for you," Mina says.

Taehyung widens his eyes. "Me? Just me?" Taehyung looks to Jungkook then Soobin. "What about everyone else?"

"I-I have to go," Soobin says, taking the container of biscuits.

"Already?" Jungkook asks. "What is it?"

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