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It's all going to plan. Jungkook opened his locker, and the look on Taehyung's face is... well it's... the face. You know, the one that makes Jungkook's insides burn—but in a good way.

"Really? Another one?" Taehyung scans the hallway, not knowing that the culprit is right in front of his eyes. "What does it say this time?"

Jungkook guards the note. "Why should I show you?"

"Because I'm your friend."

Yeah, a friend who hates the fact that he is capable of receiving attention, Jungkook wants to say, taking his backpack out from his locker.

"Are you actually enjoying this?" Taehyung asks, leaning next to Jungkook's locker with his arms crossed.

"I'm not phased," Jungkook says.

"Right. The smile on your face says otherwise."

Jungkook closes his locker, putting his hands up in the air. "Geez, fine. I enjoy it. What are you going to do about it?"

Taehyung uncrosses his arms, straightening his posture. "If you like it, who am I to tell you otherwise."

Jungkook nods cautiously. He hands the note to Taehyung. "You can read it." He watches Taehyung unfold the note.

"I would say god bless you, but it seems he already has—okay, this one is funny. Why can't someone send me funny notes?" Taehyung says, drawing attention from a group of girls nearby.

Right? When I came across that one, I knew I had to write it down, Jungkook almost says; taking his normally lacking self-love to the next level.

"Actually, I take that back," Taehyung says, looking to the girls.

Jungkook however, fixates his eyes down the hall, recognising a figure being pushed up against a locker. He tugs on Taehyung's uniform, saying, "Hey, isn't that Soobin?"

Taehyung follows Jungkook's gaze, squinting. "Who is all up in his face?"

They walk closer to the two in question. Jungkook weighs up if the compromising position is malicious or homoerotic. He slaps his cheeks, ridding the latter from his mind.

"Soobin," Taehyung calls out, breaking the two out of whatever was happening there.

"Oh—Hi, Taehyung, Jungkook," Soobin says, looking flushed. "This is uh—"

"Yoongi," Taehyung says dully.

"Nice to see you too, Kim," Yoongi says, putting his hands in his pockets, looking at Jungkook with a slight nod. "Jeon."

Yoongi and Jungkook have never gotten along. He's sometimes been forced to work on group projects with him, unfortunately. Yoongi had the whole school calling him 'Taehyung's dog' in year eight. "Look, Jungkook is lost without his owner," Yoongi would say.

Jungkook wasn't good at standing up for himself back then—not that much has improved. He would happily let Taehyung do all the talking for him, and he's sure Taehyung didn't mind; in fact, Taehyung would insist on defending him, somewhat like a knight in shining armour. He cringes. Is it weird to call your friend a knight?

"What were you two doing?" Taehyung asks, raising a brow.

"None of your business, Kim. Go back to whatever you two do," Yoongi says, distaste clear in his voice.

Taehyung ignores Yoongi, looking to Soobin. "Is he causing you problems?"

Yoongi scoffs. "What a shock. I've never seen you care about anyone else apart from Jungkook."

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