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One week earlier

Jungkook is jealous. 

Jealous in what way, you ask? In many ways; In fact, he has a list.

Things that make Jungkook jealous:

NO.1—Schools that don't wear uniforms

He's never really cared about it until his parents finally caved in and bought them cable. The way schools are portrayed in American movies show students wearing whatever clothes they see fit. Here however, Jungkook is stuck wearing a generic school uniform. And they don't even get to wear the cool yellow blazers that idols wear in their fancy music schools; another thing he could write on the list.

NO.2—People who enjoy coffee

A craze that Jungkook can't get behind but so genuinely wants to. The benefits of drinking coffee are truly something he should be taking advantage of; however, Jungkook can't stand the taste. The only way to make it bearable is to pump a shit ton of sugar into it; but that begs the question, is it even coffee after that?

Taehyung on the other hand, drinks it straight black with no sugar. He's not a fan of Jungkook's coffee order; he would say something along the lines of, "Might as well just buy a can of coke."

Speaking of which...


Jungkook's annoyingly super attractive best friend. Yes, he said attractive—Jungkook can appreciate an attractive person when he sees one (and he happens to see Taehyung a whole lot). He is stupidly good looking; not to mention, he manages to make their stupid uniform look good. Taehyung would look good in mostly anything—especially those fancy yellow blazers. How annoying.

NO.4—Cool yellow blazers that idols have in their fancy music schools

He added it. Refer to entry No.1

"Can I borrow a pen?" Taehyung asks, pulling Jungkook out of his inner rants.

Jungkook reaches into his pencil case without hesitation, handing Taehyung over a spare pen which is kept for moments like this; however, this doesn't stop Jungkook from leaving a snarky comment. "You should probably start bringing your own pens instead of freeloading off me."

Taehyung shrugs, clicking the pen to start doodling over his homework. "Why should I? This arrangement works."

NO.5—The fact that Taehyung can make anyone do anything he wants

Jungkook calls this pretty boy privilege. He looks in the mirror every day, waiting for his own glow-up moment to magically appear. Puberty did Taehyung many wonders; Jungkook however... we'll leave it at that.

Jungkook watches as a girl walks up to Taehyung with a (presumably) box of chocolates wrapped up in a pretty bow. He's starting to think he should keep a mental tally on how many times this happens—three times this week (this one being the third)

She does a 90-degree bow offering the chocolates to Taehyung which; knowing him, he will accept.

"Will you go out with me?" She says.

Jungkook side-eyes Taehyung, waiting to see what he'll say this time.

Taehyung takes the chocolates out of her hands, making the girl glance up at him. Her eyes sparkle with hope; that is until Taehyung opens his mouth. "Thank you. This is sweet of you." He smiles, looking directly into her eyes. "It takes courage to ask someone out. I truly envy you."

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