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The next day, Yoongi traded his jelly sandwich for the Lucky Charms, slowly picking out all of the rainbow-shaped marshmallows one by one from the little plastic bag to eat first.

Yoongi was glad that he'd escaped the house when he did, but he knew there'd be hell to face when he got back home from the park.

Using this meeting with Jimin as a distraction from the anxiousness growing in his stomach and the problems with his messed-up family, the older pretended to listen as Jimin continued to ramble.

"Is Kumamon your best friend?" Jimin abruptly asked, startling Yoongi, who hadn't been paying attention to the younger's words.


"Is Kumamon your best friend?"

Yoongi scowled at the sudden question. "I don't have a best friend because I don't need friends."

"But you still have friends!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the younger boy. "No, I don't."

"You have me!" Jimin chimed with a cute smile.

"Friends just make you change yourself so that they like you better. I'm not getting rid of my Kumamon just so we can be friends. And besides, I don't think meeting you here three times because you're sitting on my napping bench makes us best friends, Jimin. We're not even regular friends. I barely even know you," Yoongi snapped, turning to face away from Jimin, because he knew that, for some reason, he'd feel bad if he saw the boy's crushed face.

"O-oh," Jimin mumbled softly, almost too quiet for the older to hear.

To distract himself even further from this growing mess, Yoongi just continued sorting through his Lucky Charms, wondering whether he was too mean to the smaller boy. He suddenly regretted the words he said, and wanted to take them back.

Was it too late for that?

Yoongi suddenly realized that seeing and talking to the boy everyday and sharing food wasn't that bad. Besides, Jimin wasn't mean like the other kids. He never made fun of him or his Kumamon plushie.

In fact, wouldn't Jimin be the kind of person help Yoongi protect Kumamon?

Yoongi was wondering what suddenly made him change his mind about the boy when he was wrenched from his thoughts and his marshmallow sorting by a peculiar sound coming from behind him.

He heard a sniffle. Then a hiccup, and then another sniffle, louder this time.

Yoongi turned to see tears welling in the younger's eyes, spilling onto his squishy cheeks which were red from the cold.

For some reason, Yoongi felt absolutely terrible about hurting the younger's feelings, quickly scooting closer to Jimin to comfort him.

Though he was never usually one for skinship, he hugged the crying boy tightly as he whispered into his ear, "I was just kidding, Jiminie. We're friends, I promise. I'll bring you jelly sandwiches everyday after my mom's done yelling at me, and you can give me those colorful marshmallow thingies. Is that okay? We can even be best friends if you want, like me and Kumamon. I promise I won't be a mean hyung anymore."

Then, after a moment of hesitation, Yoongi added, "I'm sorry, Jiminie."

Min Yoongi was apologizing for being mean? That was definitely a first.

Jimin's crying slowly subsided into tiny sniffles and he gave the older a watery smile.

"R-really? Do you mean it, hyung? C-can we be best friends?" he asked hopefully.

Yoongi thought for a moment. He could get used to this adorable boy, so. . . . why not?

With a small smile, Yoongi replied, "Yeah, I guess we can."


prepare for drama in the next chapter :,)

thanks for reading <3

lucky charms ✧・゚ y.m  [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now