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thanks Iamayellowyam for helping me write this,, you're amazing <3

also the majority of this chapter was written on a device that i am not used to writing on, so the formatting's a bit weird . . .


Jimin went into the kitchen that night, nervous, wondering how badly they'd messed up by bringing alcohol to the party.

It turns out, Yoongi's parents and even his mom were very upset.

Jimin had told them that Yoongi was asleep in his room, and that they didn't drink at all.

Even though Yoongi definitely did.

Of course, Taehyung got the worst of them all, not even being able to see Jungkook for two weeks.

Namjoon and Jin hadn't had any alcohol, and Hoseok's parents were just never informed, so Hoseok got off without a punishment.

Yoongi woke up the next day, Jimin sleeping by his side peacefully.

Squinting his eyes to adjust to the light, he sat up, wincing at the headache he'd just become aware of.

Hearing Yoongi's groan quietly, Jimin woke up, pulling himself into a sitting position next to the older.

"Hey, baby, how are you feeling?"

Yoongi huffed. "Shitty. My head hurts."

"You did drink a lot last night," Jimin offered him a sympathetic smile before remembering what his parents had told him last night.


The boy frowned at Jimin's tone. "Is everything okay? What happened?"

"You're grounded," Jimin sighed quietly, "Your parents said you have to sleep in your own bed for the next week."


"We'll still be able to see each other, just . . . not get to sleep in the same bed."

Tears welled up in Yoongi's eyes.

"Was it because I drank?"

Jimin nodded, taking Yoongi's hand to rub his thumb across the soft skin of his palm as a comforting gesture.

"I d-didn't mean to drink that much— I don't want to sleep without you f-for a whole week," Yoongi was crying now, tears rolling down his cheeks incessantly, his small frame shaking.

"Baby, it's okay, it's just a week. I know it's horrible, but it'll be over before you know it."

"But it's not fair!"

It was. Yoongi knew his parents were more lenient than usual parents, so when he realized that he'd been grounded, he knew he fucked up.

Yoongi slid back into the covers in defeat, pulling the younger in with him and laying his head on his chest, his arms wrapping around Jimin in a hug of sorts. "If we're not going to sleep in the same bed for the next week, we better cuddle now while we have the chance."


"So . . ."

Hoseok blinked, waiting for the younger to continue speaking.

He didn't.

The two were sitting in Jungkook's room, the morning after both Hoseok and Jungkook were told to go back home— though Jungkook hadn't drank at Jimin's house. Jungkook had randomly texted the older early that morning, saying he needed him to come over to his house urgently. He'd opened the door in his sweatpants and a thin white t-shirt, rubbing his eyes as though he'd just woken up, looking almost surprised that Hoseok had shown up until he remembered that he'd called him over before he went back to sleep.

It seemed as though the house was completely empty, yet instead of sitting in the living room, Jungkook had led Hoseok into his bedroom. His room was messy, clothes strewn everywhere, including the bed. Jungkook had to push those to the floor hastily in order to be able to offer the older a place to sit.

Hoseok just wasn't sure why he was sitting.

"Jungkookie, why am I here?"

"I-I wanted to spend time with you, hyung."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow.

"U-um, fine," Jungkook stared at the floor, pout evident on his face. "Well, I kind of wanted to talk to you about some stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

Jungkook chickened out. "T-Tae's birthday? What should I get him?"

"You could've texted me, you know," Hoseok chuckled, "And why ask me? I'm horrible at coming up with gift ideas."

"You know what Tae likes . . ." the younger mumbled.

"And you don't?"

Jungkook remained silent.

"Where is this going, Kook?"

"D-do you still like him?" Jungkook blurted, suddenly feeling very insecure.

Hoseok's eyes widened. "W-what?"

"You still like Tae, right?"

Jungkook didn't know if he wanted to be right or wrong. He didn't want his hyung crushing on his boyfriend, but at the same time, at least his accusation wouldn't be so embarrassing if it was true.

"It's just . . . Taehyungie means a lot to me, you know? And I— I admit, I liked him before you two got together, but I tried not to create any drama or get in the way of things. I mean, I'm the seventh wheel," Hoseok smiled softly. "Besides, he likes you. And really, I just want to see him happy, that's all. He's— he's perfect, and he's totally my type. Also, he has the nicest ass."

Jungkook laughed quietly. "I agree with you on that."

He wasn't feeling jealous at all, hearing Hoseok talk about his boyfriend like that. He wasn't really sure why.

"I guess . . . I guess I always knew he would go for you first, but I really did want him."

"I really just felt insecure. Next to you, I never thought he would like me."

"Hey, hey, don't say that," Hoseok chuckled softly, watching as Jungkook sat on the bed and looked away, his cheeks dusting pink. "You look so good. Look at those muscles, and those legs, no wonder Tae couldn't resist you."

"O-oh . . . "

"And don't even get me started on your face, when I first saw you, I—" Hoseok stopped. "Oh . . . "

Jungkook looked up at him, his eyes almost glittering. "Wh-what?"

"I . . . I thought you were so beautiful. Like— like an angel."

"An angel?"

"Y-yeah. Yeah, so pretty."

"Did you . . . Did you like me?"

"So much."

"Hobi hyung?"


"Please don't make me regret this."

Jungkook slammed their lips together, forgetting his boyfriend in the heat of the moment.


oops so that just happened :,D

i'm about to fall asleep any second now, so here's my question: what's your opinion on oli london, if you have one?

ALSO: this book just reached 70k and i'm not really sure how this book has made it this far?? i'm just so incredibly happy that people enjoy the things i write, and hopefully you guys enjoy my writing in the future too. thanks for reading.

ily guys <333

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