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Jimin drove home, the only thing on his mind being Yoongi.

Did he eat anything yet? Was he still sleeping? Was he okay all alone?

Yoongi was all Jimin could think about at Yugeom's house, too distracted to focus on their group project. He was now itching to get home and have Yoongi in his arms again.

It felt weird, not being around his baby. Jimin didn't like it at all.

So he left Yugeom's house thirty minutes early, saying he had to "feed his cat," because he couldn't stand being in that house any longer.

He parked his car in the driveway and opened the front door of his house, only to be met by a person flying at him clinging to his waist, a bundle of blankets wrapped around his small body.

"Jimin, you're home!" Yoongi cried, the tears he'd been shedding not too long ago making a reappearance. "I-I missed you so much!"

Jimin chuckled and placed a kiss into the boy's fluffy hair. "I missed you too, baby. Couldn't stop thinking about you."

"R-really?" Yoongi looked up with watery eyes that were already swollen and red. He'd cried before Jimin came home, he could tell.

Jimin tilted Yoongi's chin up gently, a worried expression on his face. "Baby, did you cry?"

"Mhm. I just m-missed you a lot and got sad," Yoongi sniffled, tears still running down his cheeks. "B-but now you're home and with me again! I missed you lots, and I really wanted to cuddle b-because you smell nice and your arms are really warm."

Jimin suddenly picked Yoongi up, bridal style, as if the boy weighed nothing, effortlessly carrying him to his room as Yoongi screamed, "I'm gonna die, p-put me down! I'm gonna f-fall and die!"

"Trust me, Yoongi, I won't let you fall. I've got you."

Mrs. Park watched the two boys from the couch, an affectionate smile on her face. Jimin reminded her of herself when she was younger. Back when she and Haewon were in college, it was difficult to tell whether the feelings she harbored for her best friend were platonic or something different, and Jiyeon felt that Jimin must be going through the same thing, if he wasn't already in love with Yoongi.


Jimin was completely and utterly in love with Yoongi. He was Jimin's everything, and he wasn't sure how he didn't realize his feelings for his best friend sooner.

"Come cuddle with me!" Yoongi grinned, making grabby hands at the younger, whose eyes held such love in them for Yoongi that he himself was surprised how Yoongi didn't see it yet.

Jimin sat on his bed, pulling the smaller into his lap so that Yoongi's back was resting against his solid chest.

"Don't leave me anymore, please," Yoongi mumbled. "I got really sad without you."

Jimin wrapped his arms around the older's waist, tucking his head into the crook of Yoongi's neck. "I did too, baby. The whole time, all I could think about was you. The guys working on the project with me were getting pissed because I was so distracted."

Yoongi giggled before turning his head to look at the younger, then wincing at the strain in his neck. "C-can I turn around? I like watching you talk."

Then his eyes widened and he blushed. "Umm, that sounded creepy, I-I just meant that I like looking at you. . . . in general?"

"Do you?" Jimin chuckled.

Yoongi's cheeks burned. "Well, it's hard not to like looking at you when you're just so. . . ." His voice trailed and he felt small under Jimin's intense gaze. "So hot," he finally mumbled, cheeks red.

lucky charms ✧・゚ y.m  [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now