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he's so prettyyy i cAn'T—


"Umm, you go ahead, Jiminie, I need to use the restroom first."

Jimin frowned softly. "But— couldn't I just come with you?"

But Yoongi was already walking away from him. "It's okay, Chim, I'll be fine by myself! Let's meet at the food court in an hour."

Then he was gone, leaving Jimin to wonder what to do next. "Huh," he muttered quietly before beginning to wander around the mall.

It wasn't long before he was lost, not exactly sure where the mall's entrance even was.

After wandering in the opposite direction that Yoongi went, he realized he didn't know his way around in the slightest and tried turning around soon after.

Of course, that didn't work either. Everything looked the same, like a maze. Jimin groaned to himself in slight frustration.

He began walking forward, not really caring about where he was at that point because it was pointless. He was very, very lost.

After what seemed like hours of aimless wandering, Jimin stopped— not because he had finally figured out where he was, but because he had found something that had caught his attention.

A lingerie store.

"Fuck," he whispered under his breath, stopping in his tracks as his thoughts all began to fight each other.

Should he go inside? Would people look at him weird? Would people think he was some pervert?

But one question outweighed the others by far.

Would Yoongi like it?

He went inside.

Was it bad that he kept imagining Yoongi dressed up for him, in nothing but lacy panties?

Probably. But Jimin didn't fucking care. He threw whatever he saw into his basket, his mind quite possibly going haywire with the many, many inappropriate images of his cross-dressing boyfriend in his head.

"Are you finding everything okay, sir?"

Jimin jumped at the sudden voice, turning around to face a woman with a curious look on her face. An employee, no doubt.

"U-um, yes, I'm doing great?" He cringed when his statement came out of his mouth sounding more like a question. I'm doing great? Really?

Smiling in response, she asked, "Shopping for your girlfriend?"

"My boyfriend, actually," Jimin replied before hesitating. "Could you — actually, could you help me pick something special for him? I wanted to surprise him."

"Of course, sir. Anything particular in mind?" She looked down at the items in Jimin's basket. "Something lacy, maybe?"

Jimin's cheeks reddened slightly as he looked down at the basket himself. He wasn't embarrassed, though. He was always happy to buy things like this for Yoongi. He loved making his boyfriend feel pretty.

"Y-yeah, he likes lace."

Looking past the woman's shoulder, Jimin caught a glimpse of something blue. Cotton-candy blue.

No way.

"Would you excuse me please?" Jimin said hastily, already walking away, the basket abandoned on the floor.

He slowly got closer to the boy with the head of blue hair, seeing the familiar soft gray sweater hanging off of his shoulders.

Yoongi was holding up what seemed to be a sheer. . . . thong? And he was just marveling at it, too, which made no fucking sense to Jimin.

Suddenly, Yoongi turned around and Jimin quickly ducked behind a mannequin, panicking. Why was this not the first time he'd hidden from his boyfriend in what was nearly broad daylight?

And just like the first time he'd hidden from Yoongi in public, he received some judging stares and weird looks. Which, of course, was expected, since he was hiding behind a skinny mannequin in panties.

Somehow, Yoongi didn't notice him hiding behind the mannequin as he walked straight past him. At least, that's what Jimin thought, until Yoongi backed up and looked down at the younger with an amused smile. "If you wanted something, we could've gone together, you know. You'd look pretty hot in lingerie."

"Wh-What? No!" Jimin spluttered out, his eyes widening. "I was going to get something for you!"

"Mhm," Yoongi grinned, "I totally believe you. I mean, why else would you hide from me behind a mannequin?"

"Well," Jimin mumbled, "I found you, so I wanted to see what you were up to, and you were l-looking at—"

"Oh," Yoongi whispered, face flushed red. The thong. "That— um, I was just looking around and I-I found it. B-but I don't want it! I was just— just curious?"

Then the older looked down at Jimin.

"Oh my gosh, Chim, get the fuck up before someone wonders what you're doing," Yoongi giggled. "Your face is right next to the mannequin's ass, you know."

Jimin quickly stood back up, an embarrassed grin on his face. "Oops?"

Over Yoongi's shoulder, Jimin could see the employee that he'd talked to earlier setting his basket on a counter and glancing at the two of them quickly before looking away.

Shrugging, he figured that the surprise had basically been spoiled already, so he wrapped his arm around Yoongi's waist and walked with him to the counter to meet the woman.

She noticed the two and smiled. "Not a surprise, then?"

Jimin was about to shake his head, but then turned to Yoongi. "Yoongs, how about we meet at the food court?"

Yoongi frowned. He really wanted to see what was in the basket. "O-okay."

So he waited at the food court quietly on his phone for what seemed like hours until Jimin finally showed up, bag in hand, pouting.

"I got lost again!" Jimin grumbled. "Why is this mall so big?"

"Idiot," Yoongi grinned, getting up and taking the younger's hand in his own as they walked. "This is why you need me around."

"No other reason?" Jimin teased.

Yoongi pretended to think before giving Jimin a gummy smile. "That, and because I'm cute."

Jimin shrugged. "I'm not arguing with that."


another bad ending to another bad chapter :,)

i had this chapter basically done last night, but i like updating in the morning better :3

thanks for reading! <3

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