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Yoongi had decided to sleep in his and Taehyung's old room for the night, mumbling an excuse of some sort before leaving Jimin standing in the kitchen, eyes filling with tears again. It was barely six in the evening.

"Did Yoongi leave?" Jiyeon called from the living room couch. She had gotten home around four, seeing her son on her phone in the kitchen and assuming Yoongi was taking a nap in Jimin's bed, as he hadn't left the room until he decided to go see Taehyung.

Jimin cleared his throat, not wanting his mother to know that he was crying. "Um, yeah, h-he's going to sleep with Taehyung for the night."

He could see Jiyeon's head turn to face him, and nearly groaned at the concerned look she was giving him, setting his phone down before burying his face in his hands to hide his splotchy tear-stained face.

"Baby, you're crying."

Jimin's voice broke, the sound muffled by his hands. "Y-yeah."

"Come here," his mother sighed, patting the cushion next to her. She rarely ever saw her son in tears-- it worried her.

"Yoongi might leave me, Eomma," Jimin whimpered into his mother's shoulder, curling up into a ball. "I fucked up and now he won't even look at me. He's scared of me. H-he doesn't trust me, he's scared I'll hurt him." He let out a soft sob. "He hasn't-- hasn't eaten since dinner last night and I-I'm scared he'll— he'll start skipping meals again."

"What actually happened?"

"Well," Jimin's face flushed red. "Yoongi and I were going to, um, do stuff--"

"Have sex?" Jiyeon supplied, laughing softly as her son's face reddened further.

"Y-yeah, and . . . we hadn't done anything but kiss, and he--" Jimin looked up at his mother, who was signaling him to continue. "I took off his shirt, he took off mine, and he was-- he was crying, Eomma, his hands were shaking. And I-- I didn't pressure him into doing it with me, I would never. He looked so scared, so-- so I thought we could do it some other time, because Yoon-- he was clearly not okay." Jimin cried, wiping at the tears on his face. "Then he hid in the bathroom, and I-- I told him from outside the door that I never wanted to make him feel like that around me, and that I'd never hurt him, and-- and I asked him if he trusted that I'd never do anything like that. He d-didn't answer."

"Did he come out of the bathroom?"

"I, um, I got scared because I left to give him some space, but it had been over an hour and he still hadn't come out. I had to unlock the door with a coin, and he was curled up on the floor, tear-stained face and all, sleeping. I carried him to the bed and tucked him in. I think this was at like four or five in the morning? He woke up before me and made waffles for us both. He didn't eat them, though, he just hid in our bedroom all day and we didn't-- we didn't talk about what happened." Jimin laughed quietly. "I cried all day, Eomma. I haven't cried this much since--"

"Since Yoongi fell off of that slide in the park," Jiyeon said. "Jiminie, Yoongi does trust you."

"Does he really?"

"He's scared."

"O-of me?"

"Of sex, of the feeling of being intimate, of-- of maybe exposing himself."

Jimin sniffled. "But-- but I've seen him before."

"And does that necessarily mean he's comfortable with it now?"

". . . No."

"Just talk to him, sweetheart."


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