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Later that day, Jimin woke to see Yoongi focusing his gaze on the ground, seemingly deep in thought.

Upon looking closer, Jimin could see what looked like a gash on the side of Yoongi's head. As he stared, he could only see more and more marks littering the boy's pale skin.

There were bruises everywhere. On his arms, neck, legs. . . . Jimin was shocked that Yoongi let him sleep on his shoulder, seeing the large marks that covered it.

"Hyung, what's wrong? Why do have so many bruises? Are you okay??" the younger asked worriedly.

Yoongi pretended not to hear him as he sorted through the Lucky Charms.

He didn't want Jimin to know.

The boy probably had two very caring parents, parents that would always love him, even if he wasn't paying attention to his lessons. Parents who couldn't even imagine hurting him.

"I'm really sorry I didn't bring you a jelly sandwich, Jiminie," he finally said, hoping to change the subject.


Yoongi looked up to see an impatience in the younger's eyes. There was what seemed like anger laced into his normally sweet voice.

That scared Yoongi.

"Don't ignore me, hyung, answer me!"

— — — — — — — — — — —

Answer me!


Are you fucking deaf?! I said answer me!

— — — — — — — — — — —

"Wait, a-are you crying?"

Was he crying?

Yoongi lifted his fingers to his cheek, feeling tears trail down his face again.


So he was crying.

"Are you okay? What's wrong, hyung?? Please don't cry!" Jimin moved to hug the older, burying his head into Yoongi's shoulder before remembering the dark bruises that covered it, quickly moving away.

Yoongi cried harder.

"Tell me what's wrong, hyung."

Yoongi shook his head in refusal.

"Hyung, I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything."

"N-no, I'm sorry, I can't tell you. It's nothing, I'm f-fine!" Yoongi hiccuped.

"Hyung, if everything was fine, you wouldn't have all of those bruises and you wouldn't be crying right now so tell me what's wrong. It's okay to tell me, hyung. It's just me."

It's just Jimin.

It's just Jimin.

It's okay, it's just Jimin.

"I— I can't."

Jimin nodded quietly before mumbling, "You can always talk to me, you know. I'll be here for you all the time, because we're best friends! Things will get better, I promise. Even if the whole world hates you, I'll still be here, okay, hyung?"

He got no reply.

Slowly, Yoongi leaned his head against the younger's shoulder.

They sat there in silence.

Jimin tried to move, then smiled softly as he realized that Yoongi had fallen asleep on him.


Yoongi woke up to see that he had fallen asleep.

His head was now on Jimin's lap.

Jimin was playing with Yoongi's hair to entertain himself, pulling small strands softly as to not wake up the older from his nap.

Slowly opening his sleep-swollen eyes, Yoongi peered up at the younger, confused.

"W-where am I? Jimin?"

"We're still at the park, hyung," Jimin smiled.

Yoongi sat up abruptly, almost hitting Jimin with his head in the process.

"What time is it?"

"I think it's like 6 or something? I'm not really sure."

"W-wait, really?? I have to go!" Yoongi gasped, scrambling to grab his coat as he ran.

"Will you be okay?" the younger asked him worriedly.

Yoongi cracked a shaky smile and replied, "I hope so. . . . I have to go now, see you tomorrow."

"Bye, hyung!" Jimin waved.


Dreading the moment he had to step into the house, Yoongi raced home as fast as he could, hoping, just hoping that his father wouldn't be home yet.

He stood outside of his house, confused.

There were police cars.

There was an ambulance.

The front door was open, the house swarming with police and paramedics.

They came out, carrying a stretcher.

What was on the stretcher was covered with a white sheet, bright red blood blossoming on the cloth.

They came out with his father, hands behind his back, blood all over his dress shirt, the one he wore to work.

He was yelling, cursing, struggling to break free from the strong grip on his arms.


Yoongi just stood there, confused.


A body on the stretcher.

His father was pushed into the car with a struggle.

They drove away.

The ambulance left.

The siren left his ears ringing.

A police officer walked up to him.

"Are you Min Yoongi?"

lucky charms ✧・゚ y.m  [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now