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lmao i think this book is at 4.98k right so i'll probably have 5k when i wake up tomorrow morning after punishing this.. so happy early 5k! thank you so much for reading this fic, i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i do writing it!


Life had a funny way of screwing with Yoongi, it seemed.

Just when he began to feel like he was in control, he wasn't anymore.

He felt almost powerful, standing there at the top of that slide, not caring about the rain soaking his clothes. He felt like he could do anything.

It was funny how that fall reduced him to feeling so small, so powerless.

That day, Yoongi didn't cry until Jimin did. He didn't try to move once he'd hit the ground. It hurt too much. He remembered seeing Jimin run to him, a panicked expression on his face, and it was only when he saw tears on Jimin's cheeks that the pain and reality of it all really set in and he began to cry as well.

It was painful, no doubt, falling from that height, and he could've been terribly injured, much worse than he was. He was told later that he was lucky that he managed to escape with only a broken leg and wrist. But Yoongi didn't feel lucky. He just felt incredibly stupid. Not only did he stand on top of that slide and tell his best friend that he was gay, he ended his confession dramatically by falling off of the stupid slide and breaking some bones. Great. Fucking great.


"It's just a broken wrist," Yoongi huffed, "You don't need to baby me, Jimin."

"And a broken leg."

"You don't have to act like I'm missing limbs or anything, I'll be fine in a few months."

"Too bad," Jimin smiled softly, "You're my baby, of course I have to baby you."

Yoongi turned his head in an attempt to hide his blush. He really liked it when Jimin called him that.

Jimin decided that he was going to carry Yoongi everywhere, which was why he was currently carrying Yoongi to his room, laying him gently on the bed before climbing in next to him. At this point, the two rarely slept alone, both sleeping together in either Yoongi's or Jimin's bed.

Today, they were in Jimin's room, as Yoongi had been hungry and wanted some of the food stashed under Jimin's bed. He had called the younger, who immediately walked into the Kim's house and basically stole Yoongi, carrying him to his room, bridal style.

Tae had accepted the position of third wheel, it seemed, and either slept in his own bed at his house, or the guest room at Jimin's house. He didn't mind at all, happy to see his brother and his best friend so happy together.

"I wanna cuddle, Jiminie," Yoongi pouted, making grabby hands towards the younger. Scooting closer, Jimin pulled Yoongi into his lap, pulling the covers over them both.

He loved cuddling with Yoongi, being able to hug him so freely. Jimin threaded his fingers through the older's hair, laughing softly when Yoongi let out a quiet sigh. "You like it when I play with your hair?" he asked.

"Mhm, I do. F-feels nice," Yoongi hummed, leaning his head onto Jimin's hard chest and closing his eyes.

They sat in silence for a while, Jimin playing with the older's fluffy pink locks.

"Jimin," Yoongi mumbled suddenly, "I'm gay."

"I haven't forgotten, baby, don't worry," Jimin said, "Just haven't had the chance to talk to you about it."


"I support you, obviously. I always do."

"Y-you aren't mad?" Yoongi squeaked.

Jimin smiled. "Of course not, why would I be?"

"B-because I kept it a secret for so long?"

"Baby, I trust you. If you aren't ready to tell me something, you don't have to, okay?"

Yoongi nodded slowly, turning around to face Jimin, his eyes watery. "Y-you'll still love me the same. . . . right? I-I'm still me."

Jimin cupped Yoongi's face, staring into his eyes. "No matter what, I promise. I'll never stop loving you." He placed a soft kiss on Yoongi's forehead, his own cheeks reddening slightly.

Now would be the perfect time to tell him. Now could be his only chance to tell Yoongi that he wasn't straight either. Jimin wasn't sure why he couldn't, even after Yoongi had come out to him.

Maybe next time.

Jimin looked back into Yoongi's eyes and blinked, suddenly aware of the position they were in. Yoongi was basically straddling Jimin. Clearing his throat and trying to stop thinking dirty thoughts, he mumbled, "T-turn around, please."

Yoongi tilted his head in confusion, and Jimin suppressed a groan. "Why?"

"Just— P-please."

Yoongi did as he was asked, and Jimin immediately regretted telling him to move. Shifting around in the younger's lap, Yoongi turned around and stretched his legs a bit as he returned to his original position. He yelped as he was suddenly off of Jimin's lap and lying on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, you were just. . . ." Jimin gulped, "moving around a lot."

Yoongi squeaked an apology before hiding his flushed face under the covers. That was the second time that he'd accidentally made Jimin hard. Yoongi was beyond embarrassed, and so was Jimin.

Pulling Yoongi out from under the covers, the younger hugged him gently before bringing him closer. Yoongi rested his head on Jimin's shoulder, trying to calm down. Changing the subject in order to get rid of the awkward tension, he asked, "What are we going to do tomorrow?"

"Well, seeing as we have nothing to do after school, I had a place in mind that I know you'll like," Jimin said, "But it's a surprise."

"Ooh, I love surprises!" Yoongi grinned, "Is it food?"

Jimin shook his head. "You'll find out tomorrow."

"Meanie," Yoongi huffed, trying to hide a smile.

"You should sleep, baby, it's getting late. Borrow my clothes tomorrow morning, okay?"

Nodding, Yoongi clutched Jimin's arm before closing his eyes. "Okay. Night night, Jiminie."

Jimin switched off the lamp on the bedside table, smiling slightly as he saw the familiar glow of Yoongi's night lamp, the one they'd placed in his room years ago so that Yoongi was able to sleep without feeling scared.

Jimin didn't know what his life would be like without Yoongi, honestly, and he was too scared to even imagine it. He didn't want to risk losing him, because Yoongi was his everything.


Jimin got no response, only a pattern of soft, even breaths coming from the older.

He brushed the hair out of Yoongi's eyes before pulling the covers up, making sure they covered Yoongi completely.

"Sweet dreams, my love," he whispered, gently placing his lips against the sleeping boy's, tasting his cherry lip balm. His heart fluttered as he lay back down, staring at the ceiling.

Lost in his own thoughts, Jimin didn't find sleep for the next two hours.


i liked writing this chapter a lot! i'm kind of sleep-deprived at the moment, so hopefully this isn't too bad.. thanks for reading <3

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