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the last update of lucky charms is here!!

please follow me if you want a notification when i publish the first part of the sequel! (or if you don't have notifications on for wattpad, please follow me anyway 🥰)

happy reading <3


To say that Yoongi would miss his childhood was an understatement.

He was so, so scared of what the future may bring.

Because this time, Jimin wouldn't be in it.


"We'll text everyday," Jimin promised, cupping Yoongi's face to kiss his forehead, his lips tickling his skin. "We'll video call all the time, meet as often as we can."

Jimin had gotten into a college a while away from Yoongi's— not impossibly far, but far enough for Yoongi to question whether the long distance would hurt their relationship.

"I'll send you cute pictures of me everyday," Yoongi mumbled shyly. "You're welcome."

Jimin laughed at that, pulling the older into a tight hug. "This isn't goodbye, Yoongs, it's a 'see you soon', okay?"

Yoongi hummed in response into his shoulder, willing himself not to cry. "I— I know, Chim. Nothing's going to change between us, right?"

"Nothing," Jimin promised. "No losing touch, no breaking up, no cheating, no problems between us. We'll be fine."

"Good," Yoongi smiled softly, the tears he'd been holding back finally escaping. "I-I'm going to miss using you as a body pillow."

"And I'll miss feeding you Lucky Charms while we watch our Saturday cartoons."

"I'm gonna miss you," Yoongi sniffled.

"Me too, baby, me too," Jimin whispered, "I'll miss you so, so much. But it'll be okay."

Yoongi pulled away to kiss the younger, his bottom lip quivering. "I love you, Jimin."

"I love you too, baby, don't cry, you're gonna—" Jimin trailed off weakly, letting out a chuckle as he wiped his watery eyes. "You're going to make me cry too."

"Y-you already are," Yoongi hiccuped. "And now I'm— I'm gonna cry too."

"You already are, angel."

"D-don't want you to leave," Yoongi whimpered, starting to cry for real. "'M scared, I'm so scared."

Jimin pulled the older into another hug, Yoongi's head tucked into his chest. They stayed like that for some time, the younger finally admitting, "Me too. "

"Can I-- can I still call you when I can't sleep at night?"

"If you ever need anything, call me," Jimin said seriously. "And I really mean anything."

Yoongi let out a watery laugh, bringing his hands up to wipe at his tear-stained cheeks. "Even when I'm horny?"

Jimin snorted. "You're ruining the moment!"

"Well, you did say anything!"

"Okay then, call me when you're horny, Yoon."

Yoongi's face lit up and Jimin had to stifle a laugh at the all too happy expression on his boyfriend's face. "Yay!"

Of course, Jimin was only really leaving the next day, a day spent entirely on Jimin's bed, watching their Saturday morning cartoons while Yoongi dozed in the younger's lap, eating random shit they found around the house, and simply just talking.

They did leave the room once to stretch their legs, but quickly fled back inside as they witnessed Soojin and Jiyeon making out on the couch.

"Why is everyone in this house gay?" Yoongi complained, flopping onto the bed with a groan.

"I'm glad you're gay, Yoongi," Jimin hummed absentmindedly, crawling back onto the bed before pulling the older into his lap, letting Yoongi's legs hook around his waist.

"Hmm, why's that?" he grinned. "Because I'm cute?"

"That," Jimin murmured, tilting Yoongi's chin up gently, "and the fact that you wouldn't be mine if you weren't."

The older leaned forward with a little smile, capturing Jimin's lips in a soft kiss. "You're such an idiot."

"But you still love me."

"Yeah, I do."


After the shedding of many tears and many, many goodbye hugs, Jimin had finally left to become the famous singer he dreamed of being.

Yoongi, however, was still stuck at home-- at least for the time being, anyway.

Reality had swept Jimin away and now, hours later, Yoongi was stuck with just himself and the flurry of thoughts in his brain.


He padded through the kitchen, his fluffy socks protecting his little feet from the cold tile floor. "Oh," Yoongi sniffled, noticing the glass of water on the counter, a sticky note stuck beside it. He immediately recognized Jimin's neat handwriting, smiling to himself.

make sure you drink enough water, angel. don't forget to take care of yourself. i love you <3

Taking the glass into his hand, he drank the water, setting it back down next to the note Jimin had written. Then, pulling his phone out of his pocket, he dialed a number.

Calling . . .


"I love you too, Jimin."


wooo lucky charms has ended!

(i'm emotional now ahhh)

so, the sequel: i really really want to name it fruit loops (it was a really good suggestion, thank you!!) but are there any other ideas? i am the worst at coming up with titles...

my last question(s) of the day for this fic:

what's your favorite hair color on Yoongi?

and what's your favorite hair color on Jimin?

well lol i was going to do an author's note but i obviously ended up not writing one 😔

the first chapter of the sequel will hopefully be out soon, so stay tuned :)

ily guys

thanks for reading <3

lucky charms ✧・゚ y.m  [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now