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They had been sitting on the couch, playing video games together as they usually did, yet an unusual silence hung between them.

A silence that hadn't been filled for over 20 minutes now.

There were no playful insults being thrown back and forth like there normally were, no rambunctious yelling and laughing, just. . . . silence.

It really was odd how close the two were sitting, their thighs pressing together and their shoulders touching, both of them all too aware of the burning contact of skin upon skin but unable to move away because they didn't want to.

Perhaps that was the cause of the silence that was too loud-- their nervousness, minds only focusing on the warmth of the other's skin against their own.

Taehyung could feel the quivering of Jungkook's frame against his own, and in his own nervousness his body did the same.

Suddenly, Jungkook turned off the game without a warning and finally broke the position they were in, setting his game controller down and turning so that his eyes met Taehyung's, full of an expression the older was unable to read.

Jungkook opened his mouth as if he'd had something to say, but then decided against it, closing his mouth as he tilted his head down with a sudden blush betraying his once calm face, staring at the clenched hands in his lap. His knuckles were white with tension and Taehyung didn't notice that he himself was doing the same.

Neither of them knew what to say.

After a moment's hesitation, Jungkook finally whispered, breaking the loud silence, "You feel it too, right?"

Taehyung nodded carefully. The tension was thick between them, and he wanted to explore it further.

"Come here," he said in a quiet voice, pulling the younger into his lap so that he could once again feel the satisfying sensation of Jungkook's skin against his.

If Taehyung leaned just a bit closer, he could feel Jungkook's soft lips on his own. Oh, how much he craved that feeling.

Jungkook hummed. "I don't like it, this strange quietness."

Taehyung was sometimes impulsive. He bought random trinkets, food and clothes without a second thought. He took risks, made rash decisions that sometimes led to regret but also to unexpected happiness.

This was not one of those times. This was one of the times where Taehyung had spent countless seconds, minutes, and hours imagining scenarios that would exist nowhere but in his strange, unspoken mind, imagining scenarios and hoping that one day, it would happen with careful thought, at the perfect moment, gentle and soft, sweet and loving, with the one he'd been wanting for so long.

He was not being impulsive at all.

"I'll fix it for you," Taehyung murmured, his eyes swirling with emotions that Jungkook could now see very, very clearly. And in Taehyung's eyes reflected his own, which held the same passion and longing. "Make you forget the silence, make you forget everything. It'll be just you and me," he whispered, their foreheads now touching, "and the silence can be as loud as it wants to be."

And, just as Taehyung had imagined, their lips met and they melted into each other, warm and content. Jungkook smiled into the kiss, his heart doing leaps as he placed his shaky, nervous hands onto Taehyung's cheeks and pulled him in for another kiss, this time deeper and filling Taehyung with the same word echoing in his mind.

More, more, more.

When Jungkook suddenly began moving in his lap, his tongue poking into his mouth, Tae made a soft growling noise that sent shivers down the younger's spine, who let out a quiet moan in response.

He threaded his fingers into Jungkook's hair, tugging at the locks harshly, and Jungkook whined, grinding into Taehyung's lap.

That was the position they were in, Jungkook straddling Taehyung, grinding into his lap as they kissed messily yet with a sense of control, knowing exactly who they were and where they were and what they were doing.

Then something happened--something that Taehyung didn't imagine as he daydreamed about that one moment countless times and in countless different ways. The front door opened suddenly, two laughing boys entering the house as they clung to each other, unable to let go, just as Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't find it within themselves to part now.

It was just like before, their thighs and shoulders touching as they both quivered at the feeling of the tension, of the loud silence, in the air.

It was louder than ever.

Only when they felt the burning contact of skin upon their own did the tension ebb away, though never fully leaving.

It all just felt too good, and one word was echoing in both of their minds, one word that would inevitably bring them together again and again:

More, more, more.


i got 3 hours of sleep today let's goooooo

(on the bright side, i finished my assignment on time! i read and annotated nearly the whole book yesterday and went to bed at almost 2 in the morning and woke up at 4:45 for school)

i am the procrastination qUEEN, don't fite me :,)

nowww the question: what is your favorite song (with no words) that you can recognize instantly and people will probably look at you weird for doing so?? lmao mine's the goat simulator theme but i also really love the peanuts theme song :3

ooh also did i go from 10k to 12k in 2 days???? ahhh this is crazyy thank you!

hhhhh i should really sleep.. thanks for reading! .<3

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