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"I'm hungry!" Yoongi whined for the umpteenth time that day. The house was empty and quiet, as Mrs. Park had decided to go shopping for groceries, leaving Yoongi and Jimin to themselves.

"I already said I ran out of snacks," Jimin sighed. This diet thing was getting out of hand. Suddenly, Jimin had an idea.

"Hey, let's corrupt my mother."

Yoongi tilted his head, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Let's make something that will finally make my mother give up on her diet!" Jimin grinned. "Then we'll finally be able to have snacks in the house!"

"Isn't that a bit mean?" Yoongi pouted.

They stared at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"I'm too hungry to care, let's do it!" Yoongi said, clapping his hands in excitement.

They really were terrible children.


"What are we going to make?" Yoongi asked, looking for ideas online as Jimin drove.

"Something with chocolate," Jimin said, "Eomma can't resist chocolate."

Yoongi laughed. "To be honest, the only reason she rid the house of snacks was because she can't resist anything."

Jimin snorted.

"Hey," Yoongi said, "Could we make brownies?"

"With extra chocolate!" Jimin nearly cackled.

Frowning, Yoongi mumbled, "We really are mean, aren't we?"

Jimin shrugged. "She won't care when she's eating them."

Upon reaching the grocery store, the two grabbed a shopping cart before heading inside.

"We don't have cocoa powder," Jimin said, scanning through the recipe on Yoongi's phone. "Or chocolate."

"Or Lucky Charms," Yoongi pouted, staring at Jimin with wide eyes. "C-can I sit in the cart? My legs hurt a little."


"Yeah," the younger said, trying to resist his sudden urge to kiss Yoongi. He was just too cute. Yoongi grinned as he climbed into the cart, sitting cross-legged, his hands in his lap. "We can get some other snacks too," Jimin said, "Hide them under my bed until Eomma gives up on the diet."

Jimin is surprised that his mother was able to last that long without breaking her diet. It was pretty impressive, especially considering the fact that she was obsessed with french fries, like Taehyung, and all things chocolate, like her best friend.

He sighed. His pantry used to be what all kids dreamed of. Stocked with all sorts of chocolate and junk food, Jimin— and of course, all others who raided his magical pantry— couldn't help but eat everything they could get their hands on.

It was an unhealthy lifestyle, but it felt wholesome.

Yoongi's take on food was interesting. He loved food just as much as any other person.

He just hated eating.

At times, Yoongi didn't have a care in the world, happily eating whatever he wanted, not caring about the calories.

And then there were the times when he did care. The times when he felt depressed, the times when his father's words rang in his head, the times when he felt like he didn't deserve to eat.

It didn't happen often, but when it did, Yoongi hated it.

He hated feeling so self-conscious, he hated looking into the mirror, disgusted by what he saw, he hated not feeling good enough.

There were some things that Jimin couldn't help him with, and this was one of them.

Today was one of Yoongi's good days. Today was the type of day where he'd get excited to get to bake delicious, gooey chocolatey brownies with the guy he likes.

If shopping together wasn't already domestic, then baking brownies together definitely was.

Yoongi was eager, to say the least.

After picking out all of their snacks, they started looking for the chocolate. Yoongi was practically buried in junk food, and he loved it.

"Ooh, can we get those?" Yoongi pleaded, eyes shining as he looked at a small package of caramels. He loved caramels, the ones that melted in his mouth.

"Of course, baby." Jimin smiled fondly as he reached for the caramels, gently ruffling Yoongi's hair before placing the caramels into the cart.

Yoongi loved it when Jimin played with his hair.

Jimin's eyes widened as he spotted someone familiar in front of them, reaching for a chocolate bar.


The woman quickly turned her head at the sound of her son's voice and grinned sheepishly, being caught red-handed, still holding the chocolate bar.

Yoongi turned around to wave at Jimin's mother. "Hi Jiyeon auntie!"

"Seriously?" Jimin began to laugh.

"I-I couldn't help it!" Mrs. Park pouted. "You know I can't go a whole day without chocolate, it was a miracle I've gone so long without it!" She then groaned dramatically, "I think I'm going to die without sugar! Do you know how weird it is to come home to an empty pantry? It makes me feel so depressed."

Mrs. Park glanced at the snacks in their cart. "I sure hope those are for us. I'm quitting this stupid diet, and I'm making Wonnie quit it too," she said, referring to her best friend. "She really doesn't know me if she thinks I can make it this long without eating junk food!"

"They are for us," Jimin smiled. "We were planning on making you break your diet today, because this no snacks thing really sucks."

"We're making extra gooey brownies!" Yoongi added.

"Oh, I want some," Mrs. Park groaned, closing her eyes, no doubt imagining the chocolatey brownies. "Please do, I'm emotionally drained from lack of sugar and it's just bumming me out. You guys can restock the pantry, I'm probably going to eat two weeks worth of chocolate for the time I missed during my diet."

The boys cheered at the return of the magical pantry.

"Jimin," Mrs. Park raised an eyebrow. "No more hoarding Twinkies under your bed, I can smell them from the doorway."

Jimin's eyes widened and he stifled a surprised laugh. She really was just like Tae.

"Bye, boys, I'll see you at home. I will steal your snacks if I don't get to try those brownies," she threatened, a small smile on her face as she walked away.

"Damn, our plan was for nothing," Jimin chuckled, beginning to push the cart after his mother left, "I'm still in the mood for brownies, though."

Yoongi grinned. "Extra gooey, chocolatey brownies."


sorry for the late update and thanks for reading <3

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