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Yoongi looked fidgety, not meeting Jimin's eyes all morning. Every time the younger approached him, Yoongi would frown.

Yoongi was avoiding him and he needed to find out why.

Was it because Jimin wasn't touching him?

Or was it something else?


There were only two weeks until Christmas. The Kim house was packed with decorations both inside and out, a tree already standing stoically in the living room amidst the clutter of already wrapped presents surrounding it.

Taehyung had left to hang out with the other four boys, while Yoongi and Jimin opted to stay in and cuddle with some fluffy blankets and Christmas movies on the couch.

It was too cold outside to be antisocial, Yoongi had said to his boyfriend before his moody frown returned.

One reason Jimin had wanted to spend some alone time with the older was to confront the sudden uncomfortable expression he began to notice in Yoongi when their eyes met.

And of course, he had planned on talking to him about something else, too.

Currently, the two were eating breakfast, an unusual silence hanging over them.


The boy looked over with an almost startled expression, as if Jimin had snapped him out of a daydream.

"You okay?"

Yoongi nodded carefully, mumbling an "I'm fine" before continuing to eat his cereal.

"You seem a bit off today."

"I'm okay, Chim." Then his eyes softened a bit, seeing the worried look in the younger's eyes. "Really."

"You just seem . . ." Jimin struggled to find the right words. " I don't know. You've been quiet around me all morning."

"Oh . . ." Yoongi said softly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, baby, I was just worried."

"Just thinking about something," Yoongi said, idly swirling the remains of his marshmallows around in his bowl with his spoon.

"Something bothering you?"

"No . . . Just thinking."

It was obvious that the older was lying. Jimin wasn't sure why, but he trusted Yoongi to tell him if it was something he should know. Even still, he found himself wondering what was on Yoongi's mind, wondering if it actually did have something to do with him.

They finished the rest of their breakfast in silence.


The Grinch was playing on the TV, but neither of them paid any mind to it. Yoongi was curled up in Jimin's lap, his breaths quiet and slow, still awake. Jimin had taken to gently petting the older's hair, noticing how oddly quiet the house was, save for the movie playing in the background.

"Yoongi? I need to talk to you."

Yoongi's head shot up almost instantly, eyes wide and worried. He looked scared.

"W-What?" he whispered in a panicked voice, his bottom lip trembling.

"No, it's not—"

lucky charms ✧・゚ y.m  [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now