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"You're on my bench again, Jimin," Yoongi grumbled as he sat beside his new mochi friend.

Yoongi went to the park, only to find the boy on his bench for a second time, munching thoughtfully on half of a sandwich.

"Hey, hyung! I really wanted to see you again! So, how was school?" Jimin mumbled, sandwich still in his mouth, hand outstretched to offer Yoongi the other half.

Taking the sandwich, Yoongi pouted, "My mom yelled at me for sleeping while she was trying to teach."

"Y-your mom is your teacher?" Jimin asked, confused.

Yoongi nodded and started to rant. "Yeah, I'm homeschooled because the kids at school are mean. They steal my Kumamon away from me and try to drown him in the rain puddles! They're such dummies, don't they know that Kumamon will get dirty? He needs air, too! Just because Kumamon isn't a human like me doesn't mean he doesn't breathe. Those stupid kids have no brains compared to a genius like me."

Jimin gasped in shock. "Hyung, those kids are so mean! Why do they pick on you anyway?"

"They think I'm a baby for carrying Kumamon with me all the time. They're all stupid, all of the kids in my class. I hate them all!" Yoongi huffed as he angrily bit into his half of the sandwich, chewing slowly.

Jimin grinned and started, "They're just jealous of you hyung, don't—" but he was interrupted by a loud shout from an excited Yoongi.

"Jelly! Oh my gosh, I love jelly!" Yoongi gushed happily as he wolfed down the sweet sandwich.

"My mom never makes me jelly sandwiches but I love them so much! She never lets me touch the jam jars because they're all made of glass. But guess what? I found the stepping stool and I got a jar when she wasn't looking and made a jelly sandwich! " the younger whispered mischievously.

Yoongi looked smug as he boasted, "I make my own jelly sandwiches all the time, and my mom doesn't even care."

Jimin pouted. "No fair! You need to make me a sandwich next time, hyung! Pinky promise?"

"What do I get in return?" the older asked with an evil grin.

"Umm. . . . I can't use the oven because my mom doesn't let me, so I don't really know," Jimin said before asking, "Hyung, do you like cereal?"

Yoongi scoffed. "That's not fair! Cereal isn't as good as jelly sandwiches!"

"No, I have the good cereal! Like, the really, really good cereal! The box even says, 'It's magically delicious', so it must be super yummy, right?"

Yoongi gasped, "Wait, is the cereal called Lucky Charms? I used to love Lucky Charms, but my mom got mad at me for eating just the marshmallows, so she stopped buying it. She's just salty because I never save any marshmallows for her."

Jimin thought for a moment before frowning, "Yeah, I think that's what it's called. It has a tiny green dude on the front throwing a whole bunch of marshmallows into a bowl of cereal. I feel bad for him, though."


"His mouth is open really wide. If I was smiling that wide forever, my face would hurt! He can't move his mouth at all. He can't even blink! His arms will be stuck holding those delicious marshmallows and he can't even taste them because he can't move his tiny arms!" Jimin frowned.

Yoongi sat there, dumbfounded, as the younger continued to rant.

"But, hyung, do you know the part I'm happy about?"

"What?" Yoongi asked, now genuinely curious.

"When it starts to get cold in the wintertime, at least he has a hat and a coat and scarf to keep him warm. And you know what's even better? One, his whole outfit is green, and two, his hat has a clover on it!"

"Why is the clover so great?"

"It's a four leaf clover, so that makes him a lucky tiny green dude! If he has that clover on his little green hat, he'll be really lucky, so if someone left that box in the middle of the road, the little green dude won't get run over by a meanie in fancier clothes that aren't even green!"

Yoongi paused before answering slowly, "Who would take a cereal box from their kitchen, into their car, and drive somewhere with the box, only to drop it in the middle of the road for someone to run it over? There are better things to do than to waste time like that, Chim. For example, I would use that precious time to take a long, refreshing nap."

"Stop being a meanie, do you want Lucky Charms or not?" Jimin scowled.

"I don't like the cereal part, though. I only want the marshmallow thingies," Yoongi complained.

"Well, what do I do with the cereal part then?"

Yoongi shrugged, "I don't know, feed it to your dog, maybe?"

"Hyung," Jimin whined, "What if I don't have a dog?"

"Feed it to your brother," Yoongi suggested.

There was a moment of silence.

"Yoongi hyung," Jimin grinned, "That's actually a good idea."

A smug look could be seen on the eight-year-old's face as he replied with a grin of his own,

"What can I say? I'm just naturally a genius."


thanks for reading <3

lucky charms ✧・゚ y.m  [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now