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i think i need food i feel like i'm about to pass out,, i haven't eaten since noon yesterday oops

i have successfully skipped three meals without my mother noticing lmao i'm hungry :/

i've tried to write all day but there's music in the background and i can't turn it off


Ever since the day he helped Yoongi with his panic attack, Jimin began to notice how submissive the older really was. Yoongi had always been vulnerable, he just never showed it.

It felt like Yoongi had finally let his guard down around him.

Yoongi was also far more clingy and blushy, and Jimin absolutely loved it.

He liked making his hyung all flustered and shy.

Jimin was interrupted from his thoughts by a loud slam. "Jiminie, I'm hungry!" Yoongi whined, walking casually into Jimin's kitchen and looking though his pantry.

Jimin laughed, "Hi to you too, hyung."

There was a second of silence before Yoongi asked, "W-where's the food?"

"Eomma is about to start that stupid diet thing with Haewon auntie, so I hoarded some snacks for you before she banned them from the house," Jimin grinned and Yoongi jumped up to hug him giddily.

"I'd probably die of starvation without you, Minnie," Yoongi mumbled before dragging the younger to his room, and Jimin blinked in surprise. Minnie.

Fuck, that's cute.

Yoongi giggled as he flopped onto Jimin's bed, staring at the ceiling. "I should steal your bed more often, it's comfortable."

"You're not stealing, you're borrowing," Jimin said.

The older stuck out his tongue. "Same difference."

"You want to sleep in the same bed as me, huh?" Jimin teased.

Yoongi blushed, scowling, "Well yeah, I use your arm as my body pillow."

Ducking under his bed with a small grin on his face, Jimin retrieved the snacks he got on the day of the sleepover, pulling out a box of Lucky Charms.

"I got your favorite," Jimin smiled and Yoongi clapped happily.

Opening the bag that held the cereal, Jimin picked out a few rainbow marshmallows before holding them out to Yoongi.

"Feed them to me, Minnie," Yoongi requested, suddenly shy as he opened his mouth slightly. "Please?"

How could Jimin say no to Yoongi when he was giving the younger puppy eyes?

He popped a few rainbow marshmallows into Yoongi's mouth before taking a small handful of the cereal and shoving it into his own mouth.

A thought randomly entered Yoongi's mind— did Jimin sort the Lucky Charms, picking out only the marshmallows just for him? Wouldn't that take a long time?

Jimin had been giving the older a bag of Lucky Charms at lunch everyday ever since they had met in elementary school, and in exchange,Yoongi always brought the younger a jelly sandwich, even though Jimin was given the privilege to take the jam jars in middle school— which was still excessive, in Jimin's opinion.

Jimin only liked Yoongi's jelly sandwiches, no one else's.

The fact that Jimin would take time out of his day just to sort Lucky Charms for him, of all things, made Yoongi feel bad for not realizing how high-maintenance he really was for Jimin.

On the other hand, the fact that Jimin did it for him, regardless, made him feel fuzzy inside. Jimin wanted to make Yoongi happy, and he would go to great lengths to do so. He would sort through a whole box of cereal for the marshmallows just for Yoongi.

Noticing the older's quietness, Jimin spoke up. "What's on your mind, baby?"

Yoongi shook his head and smiled. "Thank you."

"For what?" Jimin asked, slightly taken aback by the sudden sincerity in Yoongi's voice.

Shrugging, Yoongi said simply, "For everything. I know I'm a lot of work, and I-I probably bother you a lot. I'm just annoying in general, a-and—"


Jimin tilted Yoongi's head up gently. "You're perfect, okay? I'll always love you, no matter what."

Yoongi's heart fluttered, his cheeks burning at the younger's words.

Jimin thought for a moment before he smirked. "I know another way you could say thank you."

Yes, Yoongi blushed— again.

And yes, Yoongi's dirty mind went there— again.

Seeing Yoongi's face flush red at his comment, Jimin laughed. "You pervert, that's not what I was suggesting! Unless," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows, "you actually want to do something like that?"

Yoongi squeaked in embarrassment, covering his face with his hands.

"I could do quite a lot of things to you, you know," Jimin said softly, grinning cheekily as his flustered hyung smacked him on the arm.

"Q-quit it!" Yoongi huffed.

Jimin smirked, "Quit what, baby?"

Yoongi whined, a small giggle escaping him.

"What did you mean then?"

The younger flashed his eye smile and Yoongi found it hard not to stare at his face. "A jelly sandwich? Please, hyungie?"

"O-oh, well yeah, of course I can, Jiminie. Do you even have jam?"

Jimin groaned loudly, making Yoongi flinch at the sudden noise. "No, we don't have any here. What about your house?"

Yoongi shook his head as he pouted, "We ran out and Eomma wouldn't let me get any more."

"Well," Jimin sighed before getting off of the bed, pulling the older to his feet, "I guess we're going on a field trip."


hello not much to say here.. thanks for reading though <3

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