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"You ever just see the back of a bald person's head and recognize them instantly?" Taehyung asked. "Or maybe you think you recognize them, but it's actually someone else's shiny, bald head and their shiny, bald head reminded you of the person you thought you recognized?"

Yoongi blinked. "What?"

"That's happened to me!" Jungkook grinned. "I thought I was looking at my uncle, but it was actually my friend's grandma."

There was a beat of silence.

"Cool, so I'm just gonna leave, but you two have fun," Yoongi said, standing up and dusting the imaginary dust off of his pants. "Play video games, eat food, make out, whatever."

"U-uh, no making out please," Taehyung laughed, fiddling nervously with his fingers.


Yoongi walked into Jimin's house, yelling, "Honey, I'm home!"

"Hi, honey, Jimin's in his room," Mrs. Park smiled knowingly, and almost instantly, Yoongi fled the scene, feeling very embarrassed.

He pushed Jimin's door open, peeking his head inside. "Are you naked?"

Jimin looked up from his phone, lying on his bed. "Do you want me to be?"

"N-no," Yoongi blushed.

The younger sat up, staring at Yoongi with such an intense expression that chills ran down his spine. "You sure?"

Yoongi wanted to hide.

And so he did, scurrying into the room and closing the door of Jimin's walk-in closet behind him.

"Such a shy baby," He could hear Jimin chuckle from outside. Yoongi smiled as he sat down against the wall. There wasn't much room for walking, it being such a small space.

Looking around, Yoongi caught a glimpse of something shiny. He scooted closer and saw a plain box with a small sparkly bow.

for my pretty baby <3


Was the box. . . . for him? Yoongi hesitated, his fingers hovering over the lid. Should he open it? He hated ruined surprises, but he was really curious. What could it be?

"I know you saw it, Yoongs," Jimin called, "The box? J-just open it now."

So he did. He just wasn't at all expecting what was inside.


"Oh my god," Yoongi whispered to himself, his cheeks burning. He left the closet, box in hand.

"P-panties," Yoongi mumbled.


"You g-got me panties."

"Mhm," the younger said. Then he frowned. "Did I go too far? D-do you not like them?"

"I-I do!" Yoongi blushed, "Thank you."

Jimin smiled. "Of course, baby."


"Why do you always win?" Taehyung whined for the fifth time that day.

Jungkook grinned. "Because I'm awesome, duh."

Switching off the console and the tv, Taehyung collapsed onto the couch with a sigh. "I'm hungry, I'm gonna order pizza."

"Whatever you want, Taetae."

"Kookie?" Taehyung finally worked up the nerve to ask. "Are you the only straight guy at the table, or do you like guys too?"

Jungkook hesitated. "Well. . . . yeah, I guess I am."


He sighed. "I-I thought I was, but I've liked t-this guy for a while now, and he makes me question everything."

Taehyung frowned. "O-oh."

Jungkook looked so, so pretty with his bunny smile and his sparkly doe eyes. It was just his luck that the guy he liked liked someone else.

"I-I like someone too," Taehyung said suddenly. Stupid, so stupid. Why did he say that?

"Who is it? I won't tell, I promise!"


Before Taehyung could lie his way out of the question, the door opened and Yoongi ran in and face planted into the couch next to the two, holding up a box.

Relieved for the distraction Yoongi clearly was, Taehyung took the box from the older.

"'For my. . . . pretty baby." He gasped. "No way, it's from Jiminie hyung!"

Yoongi scowled. "Who else would it be? J-just don't open it."

Taehyung heard Yoongi. So naturally, he opened the box, only to gasp again at what was inside. "Fuck."

"What is it?" Jungkook scooted closer to get a good look at what was inside.

Snatching the box away and clutching it to his chest with a furious blush, Yoongi whined. "I said don't!"

"Panties. He gave you fucking panties?" Taehyung laughed in disbelief.

"S-shut up! It's not like I asked for them!"

"But clearly, you want them," Jungkook grinned cheekily.

Yoongi huffed. "You guys are terrible."

"Try them on for him," Tae suggested. "Wear one of the dresses, too. Ooh, or a skirt!"

And so Yoongi did. He picked out his favorite, the short pastel yellow dress that only reached mid-thigh, and the lacy white panties with a cute little bow at the top.

He looked in the mirror, hesitating before adding a bit of lip gloss, then eyeliner and mascara.

Yoongi twirled, feeling pretty. He wondered if Jimin would think so too.


happy reading! i'm sleepy and i'm craving French fries :,(

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