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here's a long chapter :))

also it's super happy fun week (and i have tHe wOrSt cRamPs) i wanna kms :,)


"Yoongi? Baby, wake up, we're going out."

"Out?" he mumbled sleepily, squinting through his blurry eyes to see the face in front of him. He made grabby hands at the person, wanting nothing but to cuddle. "Jiminie, come back to bed with me," he whined. "I'm cold and I need you to warm me up."

The younger blushed. "You need to get up, baby. As much as I'd like to get back into bed, we have things to do today— fun things."

Yoongi opened an eye to look at Jimin. "Fun things? Like what?"

"You won't know unless you get up," Jimin grinned. It was already past eight in the morning, so the house was empty and quiet, as it usually was when the both of them woke up.

So, with a quiet whine, Yoongi crawled off of the bed and began his morning routine, Jimin just sitting on the closed toilet lid as he watched Yoongi brush his teeth, just like Yoongi himself did not too long ago.

"You creep," Yoongi mumbled through a mouthful of toothpaste. "Why're you staring at me?"

Jimin just gave him a smile, an innocent expression on his face that made Yoongi suspicious. "I'm waiting."

Yoongi had now finished brushing his teeth, and he walked closer to Jimin. "For what?"

"For you, of course, who else?"

Yoongi frowned. "Well, can you wait out there? I need to shower."

"Oh no, you don't understand," Jimin suddenly said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I'm waiting for you so we can shower."

"We?" Yoongi squeaked, cheeks suddenly red. "Y-you mean, like, together?"

Jimin stood up silently and removed his shirt, his abs on display, and Yoongi yelped and turned around, blushing furiously as he yelled, "No, g-go away!"

Grabbing Yoongi's hand, Jimin turned him around, and Yoongi gulped, trying so hard to focus on anything, anything besides his best friend's body. "We're saving water, baby."

"I don't care!"

Then suddenly, Jimin's hands were at the hem of Yoongi's long t-shirt, no doubt lacy panties underneath. "May I?"

Yoongi hesitated. "N-no, I look—"

"Beautiful," Jimin said quietly, "You are so, so beautiful, Yoongi. I can't see anyone but you when you're with me. You're all I see."


All thoughts flew out of Yoongi's mind when Jimin lifted his shirt up and off of him, his small body on display.

"Oh," Jimin mumbled. His lacy panties were black this time, and it took everything in Jimin not to stare. Yoongi's skin was milky and smooth, much like the rest of him. It was only then that he noticed something else. There were light, faded scars all over his body, almost unnoticeable. His ribs were showing slightly and Jimin suddenly wondered if Yoongi was eating enough.

lucky charms ✧・゚ y.m  [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now