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partly co-written by Iamayellowyam


Yoongi wanted to die.

Just wanted to shrivel up and die.

A sudden image of that one mayor of Thneedville, Aloysius O'Hare, from the Lorax movie popped into his head and it only made him want to die more. What the fuck kind of name was Aloysius? After watching that stupid movie all of fifty-something times, the name of that idiot mayor had to stick in Yoongi's brain. That, and his terrible haircut.

Jimin loved that movie.

And if it wasn't already apparent, Yoongi did not.

While Jimin liked the childish movies and animations, Yoongi liked the action films, blockbusters, and mysteries.

And of course, horror movies. Something he could never enjoy while sitting in Jimin's lap, because the younger despised them.

Which sucked.

Speaking of Jimin's lap, Yoongi really wished to be sitting in it at that moment. Unfortunately, Jimin was sick with a fever, stuck at home, all alone, and Yoongi was suffering at school, with Taehyung, his "former" crush, and his idiot friends.

Just great.

Yoongi's mother, for some strange reason, didn't allow him to stay with his best friend and nurse him back to health, because apparently, he'd get sick too.

Utter bullshit. Yoongi doesn't even remember the last time he'd gotten sick.

So here he was, sandwiched in between Jin, and his not-so-secret crush, Namjoon, watching unnecessary drama unfold in front of him. That seemed to happen quite often lately, it seemed.

Taehyung was sitting in between Jungkook and Hoseok, obliviously eating in that cute way of his, not noticing how a jealous Jungkook was shooting daggers at a giggly Hobi, who had his arm around Tae's shoulder.

Yoongi sighed, stuck with a jelly sandwich that only made him miss Jimin more. He was craving Lucky Charms.

But more importantly, he was craving Jimin.

How was he going to survive without him?

Yoongi was quickly pulled from his thoughts by a strange hacking noise, similar to what he'd imagine the sound of a cat coughing up a hairball to be like. The peculiar noise was coming from he person to his left, Namjoon, who was staring into his lunchbox with a shocked look on his face. Jin then stood up abruptly, his chair scraping against the ground, and walked swiftly to the bathroom, face devoid of emotion.

Curious, Yoongi peered into the lunchbox. Inside was a small, pink sticky note with a message written in Jin's handwriting.

I like you, you dumbass. I have for a while now. Surprised you haven't noticed, you being a genius and all. If I didn't like you for this long for no reason, come find me. I'll be crying my eyes out in the second stall of the bathroom.

~Jinnie <3

"Well, fuck. Even more drama," Yoongi muttered, and Namjoon shot him a glare.

"Hyung, what do I do?" Namjoon whined.

Jungkook looked confused. "What happened?"

Taehyung grinned. "No way. Jin finally confessed, didn't he?"

"You knew?!" Namjoon gasped.

"Well, duh, we all knew." Hoseok laughed before mumbling, "Honestly, this whole table's probably gay. "

Namjoon furrowed his brows. "I'm not gay."

Even Yoongi gasped at that. "Oh, the horror!"

"I'm bi."

The whole table sighed in relief. Yoongi only sighed because it meant less drama. And of course, less drama equals less headaches for him to have to deal with.

"Well, do you like Jin hyung?" Jungkook frowned.

Namjoon nodded. "Since the day we met."

Yoongi groaned and smacked Namjoon's shoulder. "Cut the cheesy bullshit and just. . . . go wipe his tears and snot or whatever."

With a hopeful smile, Namjoon left the table.

Hoseok beamed. "I'm glad Jin hyung finally told him." He squeezed Taehyung's shoulder. "If I liked someone, it'd be hard for me to keep it a secret for so long."

"Yeah, it'd be hard for you to keep a secret at all," Jungkook scowled, placing a hand on Tae's knee.

"Whoa, personal space, please," Taehyung chuckled uneasily, shrugging off all body parts that didn't belong to him, causing Hoseok and Jungkook to pout.

They all ate in silence for a while, every once in a while Yoongi staring at the three of them with an amused smile on his face. His brother managed to attract two guys and he couldn't even get one guy, the one guy he'd been around for so long, to like him back. How sad.

Soon enough, Namjoon and Jin returned, holding hands.

"Where's all the snot?" Yoongi snickered. Jin's eyes were dry, not looking like he'd cried his eyes out like he'd said he'd be doing. "Did your boyfriend wipe it for you?"

Jin shrugged. "I lied to get Joonie to come get me faster. I never cried. The more time to eat my food, the better."

"Did he kiss you?" Hobi wiggled his eyebrows at Jin.

"Yes, he did," the oldest replied, a hint of a blush forming on his cheeks.

"I'm standing right here!" Namjoon huffed, looking upset.

"We know, Joonie," Jin smiled, poking one of Namjoon's dimples, causing the younger to blush.

"So, are you two a thing now?" Jungkook asked.

Jin looked at Namjoon.

"Yeah," he grinned, his dimples on display. "We are."

"Finally," Jin scowled before smacking Namjoon's arm. "You know, you're a really stupid genius."

Namjoon grinned sheepishly. "I know."

"We all do," Yoongi said, rolling his eyes as the pair sat down, now both on his right, sitting side by side. Gross.

"You guys better not do all that lovey dovey shit or I'm spewing in your lunch," Yoongi warned, staring at Jin.

Jin wrinkled his nose in disgust. "You nasty child, watch your tone!"

"He only tolerates the 'lovey dovey shit' when it's between him and Jiminie hyung," Taehyung grinned cheekily, seeing Yoongi's cheeks redden.

"W-what? N-no!"

Hoseok sighed. "Liar, liar, pants on fire."

"I'll set you on fire if you don't shut up," Yoongi scowled at Hobi, only growing more annoyed when he only laughed in response.

"I can see why Jiminie likes you, you're so cute!"

"A-am not!"


super sorry for the late update! thanks for reading <3

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