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Yoongi woke up, eyes swollen from sleep and from crying, and saw that he was in Jimin's lap. The younger's hands were still running through his fluffy hair, and he was looking down at Yoongi with a fond smile.

Yoongi blushed as they made eye contact.

"Feeling better, baby?" Jimin asked softly. Yoongi nodded shyly, hesitating to sit up. He liked the feeling of Jimin's fingers in his hair, so he stayed in his lap, leaning into Jimin's touch.

"You're like a little kitten," Jimin cooed, making the older blush again.

"I-I'm not, though," Yoongi mumbled, a small pout on his face.

Jimin laughed quietly, "You're my little meow meow."

Normally, Yoongi would've scowled and smacked the younger's arm, but he secretly liked the cute nickname, so he stayed quiet, a tiny smile replacing his pout.

"I just want you to know," Jimin began, "that I'll always be here for you, okay? You can't get rid of me, hyung."

Yoongi held his breath, anxiously awaiting Jimin's next words.

"You don't need to tell me anything. Just. . . . J-just let me love you."

Yoongi blinked, surprised.

"I'll be your support system. I'll be the shoulder you cry on. I'll always be here for you, baby," Jimin said sincerely, and Yoongi felt his eyes water.

"I-I just want you to know that I—" Jimin stopped himself abruptly, leaving Yoongi to wonder what he was about to say.

Sighing, Jimin said, "I want to be the one to make you happy."

Yoongi didn't know what to make of that sentence. He ignored the butterflies in his stomach and let Jimin continue talking.

"I just— You're very important to me, obviously, and it hurts me to see you sad. You're m-my best friend, and I hate that I can't be there for you in the way that you need, so please, just let me love you. Don't push me away."

Why did Jimin's words leave Yoongi with a fluttery feeling in his heart?


They stayed like that for a while, until Jimin said quietly, "Let's go freshen up before we head out again."

Yoongi pouted, "But I like it here!"

"You like being in my lap?" Jimin smirked, and the older's face flushed red.

"No, I-I never said that!" Yoongi scowled.

"So why do you want to stay here?"

Yoongi said quietly, "I like my bed."

"Well then, you wouldn't mind if I left, right?" Jimin teased.

"N-No, stay, please," Yoongi whined, blushing even harder.

Jimin grinned. "Should I, really?"

"Mhm, don't leave me," Yoongi mumbled shyly before hesitantly taking the younger's hand and placing it back on his head. "I-I like how it f-feels," Yoongi stuttered, embarrassed, and Jimin smiled fondly, threading his fingers back into Yoongi's hair.

"Do you, really?" Jimin laughed softly.

Yoongi sighed in content. "Mhm, it feels good."

"I like making you feel good, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy," Jimin said, picking up a small strand of Yoongi's hair before dropping it back onto his head.

Yoongi giggled, his gummy smile showing, and the younger just about melted at the cute noise. "Like a kitten?"

"No, that's you, baby," Jimin smiled, poking Yoongi's nose, making Yoongi laugh.

"I-I'm not your baby," Yoongi huffed as his cheeks burned.

Jimin thought for a moment, wondering if he was making the older uncomfortable. "Do you not want me to call you baby?"

"N-no, it's okay, Jiminie, you can call me baby. I-I like it a lot," Yoongi admitted shyly.

Pulling his hand from Yoongi's hair, Jimin squished the older's cheeks as he gushed, "You're so cute! Now, let's go freshen up for real, they're probably going to wonder what we're doing in here."

Yes, Yoongi blushed.

And yes, Yoongi's dirty mind went there.

"What's got you blushing so hard all of a sudden?" Jimin asked, amused.

Yoongi squeaked, "N-nothing!" before quickly crawling off of the younger and dashing towards the bathroom to wash his face of all the dried tears.

"The things you do to me, Min Yoongi," Jimin sighed.


The boys were scattered around the living room, Jungkook and Taehyung doing some kind of handshake in the middle of the room, Namjoon and Seokjin debating random nonsense again, and Hoseok sitting on the floor with his expired peanut butter and a plastic spoon in hand.

At the sound of the bedroom squeaking open, everyone looked up at Yoongi and Jimin.

"What were you guys up to in there?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows before noticing Yoongi's red-rimmed eyes.

"Nothing," Jimin replied simply before grabbing Yoongi by the waist and taking him into the kitchen.

The other five boys stared at each other silently before continuing what they were doing.

On the kitchen counter were the bags with all of the snacks Jimin and Jungkook had bought an hour ago. Fishing a box out of one of the bags, Jimin handed it to Yoongi, who stared at it curiously.

"Pink? I like the color, but I-I don't think I'll look good—"

"You'll look beautiful, you always do," Jimin assured Yoongi, who blushed and smiled softly in response.

Yoongi seemed to blush a lot in the last few days.

"O-okay, I trust you," Yoongi grinned, and Jimin found it hard not to notice how irresistibly cute his hyung was.

"R-right," Jimin gulped, trying not to stare, "Let's go dye your hair."

"Okay!" Yoongi said excitedly as he skipped away with the box of pink hair dye, heading for the bathroom.



double update!! i finally got my new violin today and i'm hApPy! it's so pretty~ i'll miss my old violin though ;~; anyway, here's the fluff i planned on writing before i got all depressed and sad yesterday lmao hope you enjoyed it! thanks for reading <3

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