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"Yoongi hyung?"


"Can I come hang out at your house one day?"

His house. . . . Could he call it his house now? Yoongi had been living with the Kim's for over a month and a half, and to say the least, he felt very comfortable there.

Yoongi was far happier living with Taehyung and his family than he ever had been with his own family. He felt safe, loved. He felt like part of a real family, with parents that loved him and cared for him. Parents who didn't hurt him over the smallest things.

He liked that a lot.

In the short amount of time he'd been living with the Kim's, their house had become more of a home than his old house ever was.

Yoongi smiled, "Yeah, of course you can come over to my house."


"Auntie? W-would it be okay if I invited one of my friends over one day?"

Occasionally, there were days in the Kim's house where it seemed like a "eat-whatever-you-manage-to-find" situation, but today happened to be one of the "sit-at-the-dinner-table-and-eat-as-a-family" kind of days. Those days were Yoongi's favorite.

Mrs. Kim blinked, thinking about Yoongi's question. She had definitely grown fond of the small boy, and she positively beamed when Yoongi told her that he'd made a friend.

"Of course, sweetie! You don't even need to ask. Your friend is welcome anytime," she smiled.


"Hyung, let's stop at my house first, I need to let my mom know I won't be staying for dinner."

Today was finally the day Jimin would get to meet Yoongi's parents. He was pretty excited. Jimin imagined the couple to be short, like Yoongi. Yoongi also mentioned that Mrs. Kim cooked the most amazing food. Jimin already knew his mother would love Yoongi. What wasn't to love about his cute, grumpy hyung?

They walked to Jimin's house, Yoongi slowly trailing behind the younger, deep in thought.

What if Jimin's parents didn't like him? What if they told Yoongi to stop talking to Jimin? Jimin was his favorite dongsaeng, and truthfully, he liked Jimin just a bit more than Taehyung— only due to Tae's habit of stealing Yoongi's food, which Yoongi thought was an absolute crime. If Jimin's parents ended up hating him and telling him not to talk to their son anymore, Yoongi would definitely miss the chubby-cheeked mochi's presence, however much he'd refuse to admit it.

"Hyung, we're here!" Jimin grinned, and Yoongi looked up to see a cute little house.
In front of it was a large tree, its colored leaves already falling, piles upon piles of which were already littering the yard. Yoongi was almost 100% sure he would see colorful flowers lining the sides of the small, white house if it was spring.

Making their way to the porch, Yoongi stumbled a little, tripping on the steps and nearly falling if it wasn't for Jimin catching him by the arm.

"Are you okay, hyung?"

The way Jimin's face scrunched up in worry was absolutely adorable. Suddenly, Yoongi wanted to trip again.

Probably hearing all of the commotion outside, the door opened to reveal a small woman smiling wide, eyes crinkled.

"Jiminie, you brought a friend!" the woman's eyes disappeared as she beamed, and Yoongi thought he'd never seen a bigger smile in his life.

Her gaze shifted towards the older boy. "So, who is this handsome young man?"

That was the moment Yoongi realized that all of his worrying was silly. Mrs. Park seemed very friendly.

"His name is Yoongi hyung, and he's my best friend!" Jimin grinned, looking at Yoongi and receiving a nod of confirmation and a small, almost unnoticeable smile.

"Well, that's lovely. Well, I'm Jiminie's mother! Why don't you two come inside, it's pretty cold outside," Jimin's mother offered.

"Actually, Eomma, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to hang out at Yoongi hyung's house, so I won't be home for dinner."

"That's okay, just be home before nine. Have fun!" she waved to them both before closing the door.

Stepping off of the porch, they made their way to Yoongi's house, this time the older taking the lead.

Suddenly, Yoongi stopped walking, causing Jimin to bump into him.

"What?" Jimin asked, startled.

"Y-you're my neighbor's neighbor?"

"What?" Jimin asked again, now very confused.

"You live two houses away from me!" Yoongi grinned.

The two never walked home from the park at the same time because Jimin was always leaving sooner than Yoongi since their family ate dinner extremely early. Yoongi took that time to take a short nap before heading back to the Kim's house.

Jimin giggled, "Oh right, I guess I forgot you live with Taetae! My bad?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and stifled a laugh. "How do you just forget that?"

"Hmm, I don't know," Jimin shrugged as the two continued to walk.

Yoongi sighed dramatically, "Didn't you say I was the grandpa here? It seems as though your memory is failing you, Jiminie. Should I call you ahjussi?"

Jimin laughed. "Shut up, hyung!"


i was going to update this yesterday but it was really, really late. my eyes were so blurry, the stuff I wrote didn't even look like English anymore. . . . i'm glad i waited until today to publish, because my sleep-deprived self can't spell worth beans ;~; anyway, sorry this chapter is so boring! the next chapter will probably be more interesting. i really hope you like this book! thanks for reading <3

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