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"Baby, wake up." Yoongi felt something warm on his arm. A hand, maybe? He whined, shrugging the thing off before he snuggled back into his pillow. It radiated heat, and it was comfortable. Yoongi had no intention of waking up.

"Yoongi, wake up," the voice mumbled into his ear. Warm breath tickled a spot on Yoongi's neck before he felt soft lips press down against it. He let out a shaky breath. It felt good, whatever it was, so Yoongi kept his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep as he felt gentle kisses on his neck and jaw.

He felt butterflies in his stomach.

The lips brushed against a sensitive spot under his ear and Yoongi let out a quiet moan, his breath hitching. His eyes fluttered open and he blushed furiously, staring into Jimin's wide eyes.

"U-um, hyung, I—"

Yoongi let out a flustered squeak and hid under the covers, causing Jimin to let out a soft laugh.

"Well, I woke you up, didn't I?"

Yoongi whined, his cheeks burning.

"It's almost noon, we need to get up now," Jimin sighed, running a hand through his hair as he blinked the sleep out of his sleep-swollen eyes.

"I-I don't want to!"

"What would I have to do to get you out of bed?"

Yoongi flashed Jimin his gummy smile. "Carry me!"

"Can't get enough of me, can you?" Jimin laughed, causing the older to scowl. "You used me as a body pillow last night, and now you want me to carry you?"

Yoongi's cheeks reddened. His warm pillow. . . . was Jimin's chest. Well, that's nice to know.

Suddenly, Jimin scooped the older up, carrying him bridal style, and Yoongi screamed, clinging to Jimin's neck and hiding his face in Jimin's chest. "D-don't drop me, J-Jimin! Oh my gosh, I-I'm actually going to d-die t-this time!"

"You're safe, hyung, I won't let you fall," Jimin smiled softly.

"O-okay," Yoongi said, "Wait! Get me one of your t-shirts, please, I don't have anything to wear."

"So high-maintenance," Jimin chuckled, walking over to his closet, Yoongi still in his arms, frowning at Jimin's comment.

"I'm sorry, Chim. I-I should've brought clothes, I knew I was going to sleep over. I'm just a lot of work in general, and I'm sorry you have to put up with me," Yoongi mumbled.

"Hey, don't think like that! You always borrow my clothes, and it was never a big deal. Besides," Jimin grinned, "Half of these clothes are things I've borrowed from you anyway. You aren't a burden to me, you're my best friend, so stop thinking like that. I don't think of taking care of you as work, baby. I enjoy it."

Yoongi smiled shyly.

"Get yourself a shirt if you don't want me to put you down."

"I don't want to let go, I'll fall!"

"I won't let you," Jimin said, now standing in front of the closet.

"You're so mean," Yoongi huffed, grabbing a random t-shirt.

"You look cute when you're pouting," Jimin said, and if Yoongi wasn't scared of falling to what he thought would be his death, he'd smack the boy.


"Why do I always sleep in the guest room while you sleep with Chim Chim?" Taehyung frowned, tugging his jacket on.

"Because I'm his favorite," Yoongi replied with a cheeky grin, hugging Jimin's arm.

"Chim? Am I not your favorite?" Taehyung looked over at Jimin with puppy dog eyes.

"Hey, look, it's my mother!" Jimin said quickly, trying to avoid answering the question, "Eomma, hi!"

Mrs. Park looked over at her son with an amused expression on her face. "Hi, boys. . . . What are you up to?"

Taehyung grinned. "I was just about to kill Yoongi hyung."

"Keep it off of the carpet, okay?" the woman laughed.

"We were going to hang out at the park," Jimin said, walking to the door, Yoongi still clinging to his arm.

"It's cold outside and I just want to watch TV but Jimin hyung is making me third wheel."

"You're not third-wheeling, Tae, stop saying that!" Yoongi huffed.

"Too bad, suck it up," Jimin said, none of them knowing whether he was talking to Yoongi or Taehyung.

Mrs. Park smiled. "Bye, boys! Get some breakfast, okay?"

There was a chorus of okays before the front door closed, leaving the woman all alone in the quiet house. Well, time for some Netflix.


McDonald's was the perfect place for breakfast, in Taehyung's opinion.

And fries? Salty, salty fries? That was what Taehyung was craving at the moment.

Snatching Jimin's keys, he slid into the driver's seat, ignoring the older's protests. "Bitches, we're getting me some fries and there's nothing you can do about it."

Shrugging in defeat, Jimin climbed into the back seat, next to Yoongi. "Why aren't you sitting next to Tae?"

"I wanted to sit with you, hyungie," Jimin said with a bright smile.

"You know what I want?" Taehyung called from the front seat. "Fries."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Shut up and drive, Tae."

"Bitch," Taehyung huffed. No one could come between him and his love for fries. "No fries for you."


here's another crappy chapter :,) thanks for reading <3

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