q&a answers (please read this!)

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i deleted a couple of repeated questions, sorry :,) i hope you enjoy this! (this took me a surprisingly LONG TIME)

ALSO: this is nearly 4000 words :)



"why are you so adorable?"

i am NOT adorable! say that again and you won't have a mouth to say it with :)

"yoongi baby, you are the cutest thing i have ever seen in my life, when will you realize that your body is perfect? *cough* PLEASE EAT FOOD *cough*"

i'm also not cute. or perfect. and i do eat! just not as much as i used to, i guess? i just want to be good enough for jimin, that's all.

"what are your favorite things about jimin?"

i could write a whole ass book. his beautiful, sparkling eyes. his charming eye smile. his golden laugh. the fact that he makes for a fantastic body pillow. his loving, caring, sweet personality. the way he makes me feel important and loved, happy and safe. and of course, HIS ABS. (please don't tell him i said that, i will definitely deny it.)


tAkE mE wiTh yOu pLeAsE~


this entire sentence is untrue, check your facts. i am not cute at all. and i'm not little, people are just growing like trees around me and i'm frozen in time :(

"share some onion rings with me please"

gladly. but the tiny ring's mine. i ate it already sooo :)


"how are you the best boyfriend in the world? 🥺 you are so caring and patient with yoongs and it's so adorable your true love for him 🥰"

yoongi deserves to be treated like a prince. he's so, so precious to me. i want him to feel loved, and i want him to learn to love himself. i'm not trying to be the best boyfriend in the world, i just want to be the person yoongi leans on when he needs someone to be there for him. i love him, and i want to show him that every opportunity i have to do so.

"when you and yoongi get married, can i come?"

yes, please do :)

"what's up man jimin? do you like to see yoongi in girl clothes? if so, what's your favorite girl clothing that you want yoongi to wear? P.S. yoongi is a precious baby that needs to be protected, hurt him and i will murder you with a spoon at 3 o'clock in the morning before burying you in my backyard"

god, yoongi cross-dressing is . . . he looks so fucking pretty in skirts. skirts and dresses. and lipgloss. makeup. anything. nothing. yoongi looks beautiful no matter what he's wearing.
also, i'd never dream of hurting him. especially with that kind statement there at the end, where you threaten my life with— um, with a spoon?

"when y'all gon do the dirty?"

whenever yoongi is ready. i'm ready, and it's fair if i wait until he is too. i'd never want to pressure or force him into having sex with me. never.

"would you like to get married to yoongi? if yes... would you like a child? ;)"

i would very much love to get married to yoongi. i think about our future a lot, and i imagine us living in a peaceful little house, maybe a dog or a cat, maybe kids, maybe not. just me and yoongi, together, until we grow old and wrinkly, having lived our lives to the fullest and eventually passing on with happiness in our hearts.

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