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Jimin's ass was nice. Like, really nice. Yoongi couldn't help but look at it more often than he probably should. He was actually surprised Jimin hadn't caught him staring yet.

Yoongi didn't feel weird about it, looking at his best friend's ass all the time. He didn't know why.

Taehyung knew about Yoongi's weird "obsession" of sorts with Jimin's ass, and always teased the older about it.

"Hey," Taehyung whispered to Jungkook. The two were hanging out again and had gotten bored, so they decided to see what Yoongi and Jimin were up to.

Peeking into Jimin's closed bedroom, they found the two cuddling together on the bed. Tae cringed as he saw Jimin feeding Yoongi some Lucky Charms, a small smile on his face. They looked too cute, and it was gross.

Tae was tired of the two basically acting like a couple, acting like they like each other, but not doing anything about it. He decided to do what he had been trying not to do for the last few months— meddle.

"Let's mess with them," Taehyung grinned.

Taehyung and Jungkook waited until the two had dozed off before jumping into action. As best as he could, Taehyung imitated Yoongi's handwriting, writing a message on a post-it note and signing it with Yoongi's name. "Where should we put it?"

Jungkook smiled. "Let's put it on Jiminie hyung's forehead and give Yoongi the pencil."

And so they did. They carefully stuck the note onto Jimin's forehead, put the pencil into Yoongi's hand and left the pad of sticky notes on the bed before scurrying away, giggling mischievously like ten-year-olds.

Yoongi woke up and cursed softly, hearing annoying laughter in the hall as the door squeaked shut. He tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes, something that he was finally able to do without scratching himself with the stupid fiberglass and plaster of his cast, now that his wrist had properly healed. His leg was almost healed as well, the doctor had said, and it would only be a few more weeks before the cast on his leg would be removed too.

He almost stabbed his eyeball with a pencil as he tried to rub his eyes. That definitely wasn't in his hand before he fell asleep. Yoongi huffed and tossed the pencil off of the bed, hearing it hit the wall before falling to the floor. He caught a glimpse of something yellow on Jimin's forehead and looked closer, seeing some writing on the sticky note that had magically appeared after they had both fallen asleep. It was Taehyung who put it there, no doubt. Yoongi let out a silent laugh at the message.

I like ass.

~ Yoongles

Yoongi shrugged. It was accurate, so why bother taking the post-it note off when he could just go back to sleep? He thought for a moment before pulling it off to add something else. Then Yoongi groaned as he realized he'd have to get off of the bed to get the pencil he'd thrown only moments ago.

I like ass—especially yours.

~ your baby, Yoongles <3

After sticking the post-it note back onto the younger's forehead, Yoongi laid his head onto Jimin's lap before pulling the covers up to cover them both, closing his eyes.


Some time later, Jimin woke up, smiling as he saw Yoongi asleep in his lap. He carded his fingers through Yoongi's hair gently, not wanting to wake him up yet. He looked so peaceful.

"Hmm?" Yoongi opened one of his eyes, turning so that he was facing the younger.

"Hi, baby," Jimin smiled softly, brushing the hair out of Yoongi's eyes. Grabbing Jimin's hand, Yoongi mumbled, "Chim Chim, don't leave," before he closed his eyes and fell back asleep.

"I won't."

He used his free hand to brush his own hair out of his eyes and felt paper against his palm. Pulling the sticky note off of his forehead, Jimin chuckled as he read the message.

The first part was definitely written by Taehyung, even though he could tell that the younger made an attempt to imitate Yoongi's handwriting. He smirked, seeing Yoongi's addition to the sticky note. Especially yours.

A loud voice suddenly interrupted Jimin's thoughts, causing him to flinch. "What's up, bitches?" Taehyung grinned, standing in the doorway, his hand in Jungkook's. "Where's your food stash?"

Jimin frowned. "My what?"

"You hoard food somewhere in here, don't you?" Taehyung stared at the older expectantly. "I can smell the Twinkies."

Yoongi's sleepy eyes widened as he sat up. "You have Twinkies and you didn't tell me, Chim? This is utter betrayal!"

Jungkook looked around the room in disbelief. "Why does no one want to question the fact that Taehyung can smell the Twinkies from here?"

The room was silent for a moment. Then Jimin shrugged. "Eh, it's typical Tae. He's just weird like that."

Taehyung pouted and Jimin, seeing the younger, sighed, "He's the good kind of weird."

"Minnie," Yoongi whined quietly, tugging Jimin's sleeve, "I-I'm sleepy. Kick them out please?"

Jimin smiled at Yoongi affectionately. "Of course, baby."

Then he looked up at the two boys expectantly. Jungkook smiled, ready to leave, but Taehyung stayed put. "The Twinkies first, Chim."

Jimin huffed. "No, I bought them for Yoongi hyung."

"R-really?" Yoongi squeaked, a silly grin on his face.

"I'm starving!" Taehyung groaned and Jungkook tugged his hand.

"Let's just go out for food," he suggested. "I'm craving McNuggets."

Taehyung's face lit up at that. "I want fries!"

And that was all it took for them to leave.

"Yay," Yoongi mumbled into Jimin's shoulder, shutting his eyes. Jimin wrapped his arms around the older, pulling him to lean against his chest.

Yoongi hummed softly. "You're very warm."

"Am I?"

"Mhm. D-did you read the post-it note yet?"

Jimin hid a grin. "Yep. Don't think I don't see you secretly staring at my ass all the time. I already know you like it."

Yoongi blushed.

"It's only yours, baby," Jimin said with a wink, and Yoongi wanted to scream.

Stupid Taehyung and his stupid post-it note. It was all his fault.


lmao the first two sentences of this chapter though—well thanks for reading <3

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