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taekook chapter!


Taehyung had been avoiding Jungkook, trying to distract himself with Jungkook's friends. They were really nice people, and apparently, they had a lot of drama.

Seokjin liked Namjoon, but Namjoon was an oblivious idiot and didn't take a single hint Jin threw at him for the last year and a half. The rest of them weren't sure if Namjoon even liked guys in the first place.

Only Jin and Hoseok had come out as gay. To be honest, Tae wouldn't be surprised if Namjoon were gay as well. He wouldn't be surprised if all seven of them were gay— well, minus Jungkook, of course. . . . and maybe Jimin.

Jimin was hard to read. Taehyung was almost positive that Jimin was at least somewhat into guys, but then again, Jimin would've told him by now if so.

Taehyung heard a knock at the front door and he flinched at the noise. They weren't expecting anyone. Yoongi was at Jimin's house, and Taehyung gave the two some space, deciding to catch up on some homework at home.

"I'll get it," he called before getting up to open the door.

He didn't expect to see a teary Jungkook on his doorstep.

Eyes wide, Taehyung quickly pulled him inside. "Are you okay, Kook? What happened?"

"C-can we talk?" Jungkook sniffled, not yet fully crying.

"O-of course," Taehyung mumbled, taking the younger to his room, sitting him on his bed.

Jungkook didn't plan this far. In all honesty, he half-expected Taehyung to slam the door in his face. Now, however, he wasn't sure why his mind jumped to that scenario at all, especially when Taehyung was looking at him with such a worried, caring expression. It made his heart hurt.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung gently tilted his chin up. "What's wrong?"

Jungkook's eyes were dry now, and he wondered if he had overthought everything. What if he'd been worrying for nothing?

"Tae?" Jungkook's brows furrowed. He felt nervous. "A-are you. . . . mad at me?"

The younger had noticed how Taehyung had been quiet lately, keeping to himself and not making eye contact. What bothered Jungkook the most was that Taehyung only acted that way towards him, no one else.

He also noticed Tae becoming closer to Hoseok. Hoseok was a very touchy person, and Jungkook would often catch the two laughing together, Hoseok's arm around his shoulder or his hand on Taehyung's waist. Jungkook did not like that at all, especially the fact that Tae was ignoring him for Hoseok.

Which was why he decided to confront Taehyung, to set things straight and to get Tae to talk to him again.

"Mad at you?" Tae frowned, turning his back against the younger, "I'm not mad at you."

Jungkook gasped. "You totally are! W-what did I do? Did I steal your snacks? Wait, did I say something mean while we were playing video games? Because I swear I never mean anything I say when I'm playing video games!" Jungkook insisted. "I mean, except when I say I'm going to win, that's not a lie."

Taehyung couldn't help but smile at his crush. He was too cute. "No, Kookie, it's not that."

The younger tilted his head in confusion. "T-then what is it?"

Taehyung hesitated. What was he supposed to say? That his crush was straight and liked someone else? How could he be mad at Jungkook for something that wasn't his fault?

"I-It's just that. . . ." Jungkook blushed suddenly. "I miss you Taetae. Y-you haven't talked to me in a really long time, a-and I couldn't help but wonder if I did something to make you upset."

Now Taehyung felt terrible. "I'm sorry, it's my fault. You didn't do anything," he whispered, staring at the floor.

Jungkook smiled softly. "It's okay, Taetae."

Jungkook leaned his head against Taehyung's shoulder, and Tae wrapped his arm around the younger in a hug.

"Tae?" Jungkook mumbled after a few minutes.


"Can I ask you something?" he hesitated.

"Of course."

"This is a bit off-topic, but I've been meaning to ask this for a while. . . . H-how did you know?"

Taehyung's brows furrowed in confusion. "Know what?"

Jungkook blushed. "How did you figure it out? T-that you're gay, I mean."

"Wait, h-how did you know I'm gay?" Taehyung questioned nervously. "Did Yoongi hyung tell you?"

"You basically told the whole table during lunch last week, Tae," Jungkook chuckled.

"O-oh, right, I forgot." Taehyung's cheeks reddened as he began speaking. "W-well, I only really started questioning my sexuality when. . . . when there was a specific person that gave me such thoughts. I never really thought much about it until you—" Taehyung froze before shakily trying to cover up his mistake. "U-until Yoongi hyung started teasing me about t-this guy, especially after I started hanging out with h-him."

"When did all of this actually happen?" Jungkook asked, curious.

"R-recently, I guess."


Jungkook couldn't help but wonder if this guy was Hoseok. He knew he felt jealous, but he couldn't really admit to himself why. Jungkook knew he'd grown feelings for Taehyung, but he was too scared to tell everyone that he liked guys. He was too scared to tell Taehyung that he liked him. Jungkook was never the confessing type. He just couldn't do it. It was nerve wracking and he hated it.

"Do you want something to eat?" Taehyung broke the silence, tired of having to ignore Jungkook for so long. He was done with it.

The younger grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, I'm kind of hungry."

"We have no food," Taehyung said, getting up before pulling Jungkook to his feet. He'd confess to Jungkook one day, whether the younger liked someone else or not. Tae owed it to himself to get it off of his chest, he hated keeping secrets. If Jungkook didn't like him back, then he'd just have to get over it.

"Let's go raid Jimin's pantry."


i need sleep and if we live in the same time zone, you probably do too. for everyone else, i hope you have an amazing day! thanks for reading<3

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