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"I will sleep right here if you don't let me feed you, Jiminie," Yoongi threatened, holding up a slice of pizza to the younger's mouth.

"You need to eat too--" Jimin's voice was muffled as Yoongi took the opportunity to shove the pizza into the younger's open mouth, of course taking care as to not shove so much in all at once that Jimin would choke.

"Yoongi, I could've died!" 

"More pizza for me then," the older just grinned childishly, giggling when Jimin smacked his bare thigh. Of course, Yoongi had changed out of his lingerie since that morning, but he replaced it with a soft peach-colored hoodie that barely reached mid-thigh, showing off milky skin that Jimin couldn't stop secretly looking at when Yoongi wasn't aware.

Somewhat creepy, but Yoongi was his boyfriend now, so Jimin didn't feel as creepy as he used to, back when they were still best friends and he caught himself staring at the older's bare legs more times than a friend normally would.

"You're so mean, hyung," Jimin sulked, "Feed me more."

So Yoongi did, this time waiting until Jimin was ready before feeding the slice of pizza to him.

"You big baby," Yoongi smiled fondly, rubbing the sauce at the corner of Jimin's mouth off with his thumb, licking it off without a second thought.

Jimin's eyes widened as the older did so, choosing to pretend as if it didn't make his face heat up as he watched.

Yoongi, of course, noticed.  "What's got you all blushy all of a sudden, oppa?" he asked innocently, realizing exactly what had made the younger so flustered.

Jimin scowled, his head turning to hide his growing blush. Taking Jimin's face in his hands, Yoongi grinned before letting his lips meet the younger's gently, resting there for a moment before pulling away to whisper, "I know I don't always tell you as much, but you really look beautiful, Jimin. The prettiest."

Jimin was never good at taking compliments, so he settled for a sweet smile and a surprisingly shy thank you, not quite sure how to convey the fluttering in his heart.

Then he remembered.

"Oh!" he nearly shouted, causing Yoongi to flinch at the sudden noise. "It's still 'Treat My Adorable Boyfriend' day!"

"I'm not adorable," Yoongi insisted.

"Remember, Yoongs, we're agreeing to disagree."

Seeing Yoongi open his mouth, no doubt to argue further, Jimin quickly interrupted. "I have a plan for today! Eomma texted me a while ago, saying something about hanging out with the twins? Or was she going to hang out with Haewon auntie? Either way," he paused to get up before scooping Yoongi up off of the couch for the second time that day, Yoongi clinging to the younger's chest like a koala, screaming random curse words in his surprise.

"Either way, I want to show you something," Jimin said, carrying Yoongi to their bedroom. That's what Jimin's room became to the both of them-- their room. Yoongi's room was literally only Taehyung's now, especially after Yoongi began looking into the room apprehensively, hoping to whatever sort of God he believed in that Tae and Jungkook hadn't fucked on his bed.

Setting his boyfriend on the bed, Jimin brought a box from the closet-- a box so big that Yoongi wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed its existence before that morning.

Jimin set it next to Yoongi, looking up at him eagerly with sparkling eyes. "Open it, Yoongi."

So he did, tears almost instantly filling his eyes with the swirl of emotions he'd hidden away within what the box held.

His Kumamon plushie.

"J-Jiminie," Yoongi's voice shook, trying to hold back tears and failing, feeling them spill down his cheeks and into the box, onto the worn plushie. 

He couldn't stop staring at it-- the soft black fabric, its round, wide eyes, and of course, the little stitches that his mother had made to fix the rip caused by their washing machine.

He had put it away for a reason.

He didn't want something like this to happen.

He didn't want to think about it all again.

"P-Put it away. Please," Yoongi whimpered, now starting to cry. He felt bad, crying when Jimin was trying to hand him what was supposed to be a happy memory of his childhood. 

It wasn't, though. Not anymore.

Seeing his crying boyfriend, Jimin quickly closed the box, pulling Yoongi into his chest, his head stroking his hair in an attempt to calm him down.

His heart always hurt to see Yoongi cry, and to know that he was the one to cause that made him feel horrible.

"I-I'm sorry," the older hiccuped, voice muffled by Jimin's chest. "It's not y-your fault, I never told you why I hid K-Kumamon away."

"It's okay, baby, I should've known," Jimin whispered, "No need to apologize."

They sat like that for a while, Yoongi's fluffy head hidden in the hollow of the younger's chest until only small sniffles could be heard.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jimin asked softly, still petting Yoongi's hair, running his fingers through it gently.

Yoongi nodded after a few seconds, lifting his head up and covering his tear-streaked face with his hands.

"Hey, you're okay," the younger frowned, "I don't care if your eyes are red or your face is teary. You'll always be beautiful to me."

Hesitantly, Yoongi placed his hands in his lap, feeling as if he were about to cry again for a completely different reason, his eyes already swollen and red from crying and his bottom lip quivering slightly.

"I-It's been a while since I last saw my Kumamon plushie," he began in a small voice to distract himself before smiling softly, "I think eight-year-old me would've been horrified to know that I've been hiding Kumamon away for this many years. I-It began to remind me more of the bad things that happened to me rather than the good, and I began almost-- almost reliving everything every time I saw it."

"S-so I hid it away," Yoongi said, "and you found it."

Then he reached for the box, opening it again and pulling the plushie into his arms. It wasn't as big as he last remembered it to be. 

"I miss my Kumamon," Yoongi admitted, hugging it even tighter.

It was Yoongi himself who made his beloved plushie represent his struggles rather than his fondest memories. So why put Kumamon away when he could just use it to get over it all?

"I don't think I should hide it anymore."

He grinned at the younger, his eyes red-rimmed yet still bright. "Thank you, Jiminie." 

After all, what better time was there than now to face his past and move on?


you guys

i updated aGaiN

wHat eVen--

if someone asks me what i was doing instead of my homework . . .  :,)

so, my question: what is an item that has a lot sentimental value to you (and what's the backstory?)

thanks for reading <33

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