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there's like 2 seconds of Iamayellowyam's writing so i'm just going to leave that lonely asterisk in the title alone...


After Yoongi had gotten his lingerie on all the way, his boner had somehow managed to come back.

Maybe it was because he knew Jimin was waiting for him just outside. Or maybe it was just the feeling of soft fabric against his skin that turned him on.

"Jiminie? I'm ready . . ."

Jimin's eyes shot up to Yoongi's body, which was covered by a towel. Still, Jimin could see the faintest sliver of white lace and it was driving him crazy.

"Drop the fucking towel, Yoongi," he growled playfully as Yoongi came closer and giggled at him, laying a hand on his chest and plopping down on his lap.

"You have to earn it, oppa."

"Earn it?" Jimin smirked, turning Yoongi around so that the older could straddle his waist. "How do I do that?"

"Well. . . . You can kiss me."

Jimin gently pecked Yoongi's lips, his hands on his boyfriend's waist to pull him closer, the towel already starting to fall.

Jimin pulled away, eyes widening slightly. It had been a while since he had last seen Yoongi's body. He just didn't expect the older to look so skinny and fragile.

He took Yoongi's hands in his own, his expression worried. "Yoongi baby, have you been skipping meals?"

"No?" There was a pause as Yoongi hesitated. "W-well, sometimes. I just— I just noticed that I've been getting a bit chubbier, so I don't eat many snacks anymore. I don't eat lunch that often either."

Thinking back, Jimin did notice how Yoongi had been stealing little grapes from the younger's lunch, not actually having a real lunch.

"And also, I've been thinking recently. . . ." Yoongi's voice was small, almost as if he knew his boyfriend would disapprove of the words about to come out of his mouth. "About how we'd eventually have s-sex, and I-I just wanted to look good for you?" He wouldn't meet the younger's eyes, a flush creeping up his cheeks.

"Yoongi, look at me," Jimin whispered softly, tilting the older's chin up so that he could see all of the anxiousness and self-doubt in Yoongi's eyes.

"I love you for you, not your body. You're absolutely perfect just the way you are, okay?"

"I-I'm sorry," Yoongi mumbled. "I just— I don't really know what I was thinking. I know that you'd never stop loving me regardless, but at the same time, I can't stop thinking about it."

"Baby, there's no reason to change yourself for me or for anyone else. I promise you," Jimin said, his hands settling on either side of Yoongi's waist, "that you are so, so beautiful, in each and every way. And because I want you to see how much I mean that, we're going to have a 'Treat My Adorable Boyfriend' day!"

Yoongi scrunched up his nose in distaste. "I'm not adorable, find a better title and maybe I'll think about it."

"Too bad! I find you adorable, and opinions can't be wrong."

"Congratulations," the older grinned, "yours is the first, then."

Jimin's lips formed a pout, and Yoongi found the urge to kiss him. "So mean, hyungie. I'll just rename it to 'Treat My Meanie Boyfriend' day."

Yoongi snorted. "Just shut up and kiss me, silly."


"First things first— food."

Yoongi flopped onto the couch with a sigh. "Food is the only way to my heart."

"Pizza, then?" Jimin called, already dialing the number to Yoongi's favorite pizza place.

The older let out a small noise of affirmation before curling up into a ball, his head resting on one of the many throw pillows decorating the old couch. "I'm still sleepy, Chim."

"We have things to do today! No time for napping," Jimin grinned, walking over to the smaller before scooping him up in his arms, a small yelp of surprise coming from Yoongi.

"Stop showing off, you dork," Yoongi whined, his cheeks tinted pink at the thought of how easily he was being manhandled by his boyfriend. "I already know you work out."

Somehow, Jimin positioned Yoongi so that he was on his back, arms around his chest, the older's head resting on Jimin's back comfortably.

"I could fall asleep just like this," Yoongi mumbled, closing his eyes.

"No sleeping, baby," the younger said, "I have a surprise for you if you stay awake for me."

Yoongi opened one of his eyes at that, squinting sleepily at Jimin's fluffy head of black hair. "A surprise?"

"You'll probably like it," Jimin smiled to himself as he set Yoongi into a chair in the kitchen, picking up his phone once more to order their pizza.

Yoongi swung his feet back and forth as he watched his boyfriend order the pizza, admiring his facial features with a small smile of his own.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Oppa," Yoongi whispered, loud enough for both Jimin and probably the person on the other end of the call to hear.

"Oppa~" He tried again, louder, this time making his voice sound breathy and whiny. Yoongi grinned when he saw the younger's eyes snapping towards him, suddenly having trouble with his words. He relished in the way he could make Jimin blush merely with the utterance of a simple word.

"I need you, oppa," Yoongi whined, almost moaning, giggling at the halfhearted scowl Jimin shot at him.

"Y-yes, thank you. Bye," Jimin said quickly, ending the call and looking over to his boyfriend.

"What?" Yoongi said innocently, "I need you to help me get off of this chair, my legs feel like jelly."

Letting out a small sigh, Jimin helped Yoongi out of his chair, to which Yoongi gave the younger a bright grin, his gums showing. "Thank you, oppa!"

Jimin could never not smile when he saw his boyfriend's gummy grin.

"Cutie," Jimin laughed softly, ruffling Yoongi's hair and earning a scowl in return.

"I'm not cute!"

"Sure, sure."


sooo there was too much to fit into one chapter so i'm turning it into two chapters

and yayyyy i finally updated :,)

again, super super sorry that it took me so long!

also, do you guys have any ideas/requests for future chapters? i will likely use them, so don't hesitate to tell me!

now, for the question: what is your favorite fruit(s)? i personally love peaches and pears, although i never normally eat fruits. the day i eat healthy foods of my own free will is the day of the apocalypse and healthy food is my last possible option

thanks for reading <333

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