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possible double update today to make up for yesterday's late update!


"There's so many different flavors," Jimin groaned, "I don't know which one to pick."

"Hurry up, just choose one or I'll choose for you," Yoongi scowled. He had been standing in front of the shelf for over ten minutes now, waiting for Jimin to pick a jar of jam.

Getting slightly impatient, the older pouted as he picked up a jar of strawberry flavored jam. "This looks good, and I know you like strawberry, so let's just pick this, Chim Chim. We've been standing here for forever!"

"Okay, okay, let's go then," Jimin laughed, randomly hugging Yoongi, his hands traveling down Yoongi's ass, much to the older's surprise. Yoongi whined inside his tight grip, his cheeks burning. "Q-quit groping my ass, you creepy koala!"

Jimin replied with a cheeky grin, "Nope," before sticking his hands into Yoongi's back pockets, plucking his car key out without the older noticing before he removed his hands, now resting them on the small of Yoongi's back.

Yoongi yelped and pushed away from the younger, his face red, running out of the aisle with the jam jar in his hand.

Jimin sighed happily, loving how flustered he made Yoongi. Why did he look so cute?

On their way back to the car after buying the jam, Yoongi asked, "Can we stop at the mall or something on our way home? I wanted to get something warm since it's going to start getting cold out. Like a few sweaters or something?"

"Of course," Jimin hummed, taking Yoongi's hand.

He blinked in surprise when the older quietly pulled his hand out of Jimin's grasp and stopped walking, his head down.

"What's wrong? Wait, did I go too far back at the store? I'm really sorry, I know I shouldn't have touched you like that, now I feel like an asshole." Jimin bit his lower lip, looking worried.

"N-no, it's okay, I felt—" Yoongi blushed before continuing, "I-It felt good, I was just nervous."

Jimin almost died. It felt good.

"Then what's wrong?"

"N-nothing!" Yoongi hesitated, the tips of his ears pink with embarrassment, before mumbling, "Y-you'd probably stick your hands in anyone's pockets, wouldn't you?"


"Nope, only yours, baby," Jimin winked, causing Yoongi to get flustered.

Then Jimin smirked, "Hmm, it looks like you don't believe me. Want me to prove it?"

"P-prove it? H-how?" the older asked, brows furrowed in confusion. Why did he feel so nervous around Jimin all of a sudden?

Jimin stepped closer to Yoongi, staring into his eyes, and Yoongi had a hard time swallowing, seeing the boy so close to his face. How had he never noticed how beautiful Jimin was?

"You tell me," Jimin breathed. This sounded like. . . . flirting. Was Jimin just messing with him or was he actually serious?

Yoongi squeaked, burying his face into his hands. "T-too much! M-making my tummy feel w-weird."

Jimin smiled softly, wrapping an arm around the older. "Sorry, baby. Didn't mean to make you so flustered."

"I'm not f-flustered!" Yoongi whined, crossing his arms with a pout.

"Is that why my baby was sad?" Jimin teased, "Because he didn't want me touching anyone else?"

"G-go away!" Yoongi blushed.

They began walking again.

"This field trip is boring," Jimin sighed before he suddenly grinned, "I have an good idea, but. . . . we'd probably end up causing a forest fire."

"Then why the heck would you call that a good idea?" Yoongi frowned.

Rolling his eyes, Jimin challenged, "Do you have a different idea then?"

". . . Let's make a time capsule!"

"Well, that's certainly safer than my idea, that's for sure," Jimin muttered.

Clapping his hands happily, Yoongi plopped into the car, yelling, "I call shotgun!"

"I'm driving and you're the only other person in the car, where else were you going to sit?" Jimin chuckles and Yoongi stuck his tongue out at the younger.

"The back," Yoongi lied before pouting, "You're being a meanie though, so I don't want to sit in the front anymore."

Jimin smiled. His best friend could be so childish sometimes. It was oddly endearing. "Why did you give me the keys anyway? This is your car."

"I didn't give you my—" Yoongi's eyes widened, "You took them f-from my pocket!"

"Yep!" Jimin grinned, opening the car door and sitting in the driver's seat. He pouted as Yoongi sat in the back seat, just as he said he would. "Sit up here with me," Jimin frowned, "I miss you already, baby."

"Too bad, that's what you get for being a meanie," Yoongi said smugly, messing with his phone as Jimin pulled out of the parking lot.

He looked up at Jimin in surprise when the car suddenly stopped.

"Well, this meanie might drive straight home if his baby doesn't sit with him. He's getting lonely, too lonely to drive all the way to the mall," Jimin teased.

Groaning, Yoongi got out of the car and sat in the front, making Jimin smile, "Thank you, hyung!"

"Whatever. I'm only sitting here because I want to go to the mall. I feel like getting something fluffy."

"I'm wearing a sweater, so I'm fluffy. You should get me," Jimin wiggled his eyebrows.

Yoongi rolled his eyebrows, hiding a small smile. "Just give me your sweater, then."

"You really want to see me shirtless, don't you?" Jimin asked, laughing as Yoongi hit his arm.

"I-I don't!"

"You just want to see my abs," Jimin teased.

Yoongi's eyes went wide, a blush forming on his face. "Y-you have abs?"

"Yeah," Jimin replied casually.

"O-oh," Yoongi mumbled, looking down at his own tummy. It was flat. He was skinny, with small arms and legs and certainly no abs.

He suddenly felt bad.

"Hey," Jimin frowned, seeing Yoongi, "You're absolutely perfect the way you are, okay? Don't ever think otherwise."

"O-okay, Jiminie."

Jimin hated it when his best friend put himself down, so he decided, from then on, that he'd make sure that Yoongi always knew how amazing he really was.

"Now, I will go buy you the fluffiest sweater the mall has. Fluffier than mine. You can have mine too, if you want," Jimin offered.

"N-no, I—"

He interrupted Yoongi, "Nope, it's been decided, I'm giving you my sweater, and you will keep it forever and ever. Understood?"

Rolling his eyes, Yoongi allowed himself a small smile. "Okay."


sorry for the late update, the draft was on my phone, so I had to rewrite it on my laptop. this version is better though! also, thank you for 3k! and of course, thanks for reading <3

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