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"There's a lot I haven't told you, Chim," Yoongi began, voice quiet. His hands were in Jimin's as they sat together on the couch. "This- This is really hard for me to say."

"W-what is it?" Jimin frowned, looking worried.

Yoongi sighed. "I'm going to tell you how the Kims became my family."

Jimin's eyes widened. Oh.

"I need to tell you because y-you deserve to know. I hate hiding things from you. I had- had a really rough childhood," Yoongi said, blinking back tears. "My father was a really bad man. He would h-hurt me and- and my brother."


Yoongi sniffled. "I don't remember much about him anymore, but I always saw him as- as my role model, of sorts. He was really b-brave, and he always stood up for my mother and I when my father got mad."

Jimin dreaded the answer, but he asked anyway, voice small. "Where is he now?"

"Umm, h-he committed suicide when I was eight. I felt so alone. My father would hit me u-until I was bruised and bloody on the floor. That's how I got all of the scars." They had faded over time, but Jimin knew what the older was referring to.

He had always wondered why Yoongi showed up to their bench all bruised and beaten up, back when they had first met.

"He- he always said such horrible things to me," Yoongi whispered. "I can still h-hear it sometimes, his voice. It was y-years ago, but I still-" He started crying again. "I still have nightmares, still have breakdowns by myself in the bathroom, s-still hate myself. And- And I hate that he still has an effect on me, years later. I hate that I can't e-eat without hearing him call me-"

He kept crying, wiping at his tears furiously. Jimin pulled him into his lap, hugging the smaller boy tightly. "Yoongi," he whispered, voice pained.

"Please- Please h-help me," Yoongi hiccuped, "Make it s-stop."

"I will," Jimin kissed Yoongi's hair, his own eyes wet. "I'm here."

It wasn't long before Yoongi's crying subsided into small sniffles, Jimin mumbling sweet nothings to him as he stroked his hair.

"You're okay, Yoongi, I won't ever leave you. I promise."

"P-pinkie promise?" Yoongi mumbled, holding his pinkie up for the younger.

Jimin wrapped his small pinkie gently around Yoongi's. "Pinkie promise."

The corners of Yoongi's lips tugged into a small smile, one that made Jimin's heart melt by how cute it was. By how cute he was.

"I feel sad, I want cuddles," Yoongi pouted, reaching for the younger.

Jimin pulled Yoongi closer, letting the older's head rest against his chest. His arms were around Yoongi's waist and his chin was tucked into Yoongi's neck. He smelled faintly of strawberries.

"I love you, Yoongs."

Yoongi sniffled as he hugged his boyfriend tightly. "I love you too, Jimin."


The house was quiet. Empty, besides the two of them, who snuggled together on the couch, talking quietly and sharing soft kisses.

Of course, Taehyung was very good at breaking silences.

"What's up, motherfuckers?" he all but yelled as the front door swung open, startling them both.

lucky charms ✧・゚ y.m  [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now