I. Joint

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Faith Everly watched as students walk across the grass area to get inside the school for the start of the first day of class. She placed her arm behind her as she leaned back against the table and pulled the joint in her other hand to her lips. She took a drag out of it before blowing the smoke out between her lips.

It was the first day of her junior year in high school and she needed something to relax her and what better than a joint.

"Well if it isn't Faith Everly," the black-haired girl glanced to the side to see the familiar female Donovan. "First day jitters?"

Faith smirked as she blew the smoke in her mouth towards Vicki's face. She let out a small laugh as Vicki scowled at the smoke.

"Nah," Faith passed the joint to Vicki as the brunette took a drag of it. "You know what my mother is like."

"Want me to embarrass the sacred Everly name?" Vicki asked with a taunting tone.

"She'll only hurt me even more than she already does," Faith answered, dully before standing up from the table and grabbing her bag. "I'll see you later, Vick."

Vicki nodded and noticed Faith's attention on someone behind her. The raven-haired girl smirked with a teasing glint in her blue eyes. "Your boy toy is here."

Vicki turned around just as Faith walked away to see Jeremy Gilbert walking over to the brunette.

Faith moved her frizzy semi-curly hair behind her ear as she passed by students to her history class. As she passed a corner, she was slammed into a hard wall. Or at least that's what she thought it was.

She blinked multiple times to regain her focus and looked up to see a handsome face with beautiful forest green eyes that shined with concern.

"Shit, sorry," Faith sputtered with wide eyes. "I didn't see you there."

The guy smiled, kindly. "It's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going either. I'm new here actually. I'm Stefan Salvatore."

The name made Faith stiffened. She already knew the guy was a vampire, but she didn't think it'll be someone who used to live in Mystic Falls.

She showed him her mastered beautiful fake smile. "I'm Faith Everly. Do you need help getting to your class? I can help you if you want."

Stefan nodded. "I would like that."

Faith motioned behind him. "Let's go then."

After figuring out Stefan was in her history class to which Faith was grateful since she didn't have to go walking around the school more than she had to, she made the vampire follow her to their class. The bell wasn't going to ring any time soon so the classroom was practically empty.

Faith didn't even bother greeting her history teacher. Mr. Tanner was the football team's coach also known as a worldwide asshole.

Though Faith always had a facade on when around the teacher as she thought of ways to kill the asshole.

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