XVI. The Noble One

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When Faith woke up, she groaned, sleepily, and felt the side of her head throb slightly in pain. Her blue roamed the building she was being held. When she tried to move her arm, they were tied down on a chair. Faith looked down to see she was still wearing her clothes from the Masquerade Ball without her mask.

She tried to do a spell to get out but she didn't have any magic. She tried siphoning magic from her jewelry but it would instantly be gone. She narrowed her eyes on the chains she was being held down by. They looked the same chain her mother used on her, but they were different. It was blocking any magic from being used instead of siphoning it.


The siphoner turned her head sideways where Elena sat on a couch. Her eyes narrowed on a female vampire with a bag as she walked across the large room. The vampire smiled at Faith. "Ah, the witch has woken up."

"He's here!" A male vampire rushed down some stairs in a panicked voice.

"And just in time," the female vampire stated.

"This was a mistake," the male vampire said, desperately as he made it at the end of the stairs and made his way to the middle of the room.

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me," the female vampire tried to calm him down.

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!" The male vampire yelled in a panicked tone.

"Good, he'll be making us a favor," Faith mumbled and the two vampires glanced at her.

Rose glared at the siphoner before looking at the male vampire. "He wants them more," she tried to calm down her companion.

"I can't do this," he was still agitated. "You give her to him, he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here."

"Hey!" Rose caught her attention and held his hands. "What are we?"

He took a deep breath and met her eyes. "We're family. Forever."

Loud pounding against the door echoed throughout the worn-down house. The vampires stiffened and glanced at Faith and Elena. Rose made eye contact with the doppelgänger.

"You're scared," Elena stated the obvious.

Rose looked at the male vampire. "Stay here with them and don't make a sound," she ordered before she left the room.

"Who's here?" Faith glanced at Elena as she tried to get out the chains with little success.

"Someone named Elijah," the brunette answered.

Faith's eyes widened at the name. Elijah Mikaelson is known to be the noble one of the Mikaelson family. Elijah also being the only Original Faith had met when she was younger. The siphoner looked up to the Original as an older brother even though they only knew each other for a few months. Faith remembered the times Elijah would help the siphoner escape her mother's punishments by threatening her since he held the concept of family highly.

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