XXXIX. School

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Faith groaned in annoyance as she was awakened by her phone ringing. She struggled to reach for her phone on the nightstand with arms tightly wrapped around her waist. "Hello?" She yawned, glancing behind her at Klaus.

"Hello, Faith."

Faith sat up at the sound of Rebekah's voice. She grimaced when Klaus shifted around, pulling Faith closer to him. "Who is it?" Klaus asked with his eyes still closed.

"Rebekah, how nice it is to hear your voice," Faith answered to which Klaus opened his eyes only to roll them in annoyance. "Where are you?"

"I know you're with my brother, Faith," Rebekah replied. "So I'll just text you and you can help me with my little class I'm having."

"But it's Sunday," she complained.

"Great to have you onboard," Rebekah ignored her before she hung up.

Faith sighed as she laid back on the bed. She turned to the side, snuggling into Klaus. She smiled, softly as he began to kiss her shoulder. She hummed with her fingers drawing invisible lines on the hybrid's back. "I should go," Faith mumbled despite not wanting to leave the warmth of the hybrid and bed.

"Don't go," Klaus smiled against her shoulder before pulling her on top of him. He smirked at the sight of the siphoner straddling him on top of him. His eyes shined dangerously at her.

Coyly, Faith bent down where her face was only a few inches from Klaus'. "I could just stay," Faith whispered before jumping off the bed. "But your sister would kill me and I prefer to live until graduation. At least."

"Faith," Klaus growled at the siphoner.

She only smiled, teasingly, and winked at the hybrid before she left his bedroom.

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Blue eyes wandered around the hallways before she turned around the corner into the library. At the sight of the blonde Original, she smiled. "Rebekah," her eyes wandered to Elena sitting at a library table. "I see you've been busy."

Immediately, Faith waved her hand and Elena laid against the table with her neck twisted. Rebekah frowned at the raven-haired girl with hands in her hips. "Why did you do that for?"

"I don't like her," Faith shrugged. "That's reason enough."

"And this is why we're friends," Rebekah smiled, placing her arm over Faith's shoulder.

"So where's April?" The siphoner asked.

Rebekah stepped away and shrugged. "Making sure everyone has left before class starts."

Faith sat down across the table from Elena. "And who else is invited to class?"

"Stefan for stabbing in the back," Rebekah glowered before turning to Faith. "I heard from April, you went back to Klaus after everything that happened."

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