X. Maybe

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Faith glared at the woman tightening the back of a long turquoise dress she wore as her mother talked to someone through her phone. Two thin straps crossed behind on her back with a heart-shaped neckline and the rest of the dress flowed down to her feet. She was competing for Miss Mystic Falls since her mother had won when she was younger and for the family name.

"Who's your escort?" Circe asked.

"Tyler Lockwood," Faith replied and breathed in as the woman began to straighten her hair.

"Good choice," her mother stated, not looking at Faith.

It wasn't like Faith chose for Tyler to be her escort. Circe had told Carol about Faith being in the court and made Tyler be her escort without her permission. Both teenagers made clear to each other they would rather be anywhere else than be dancing for everyone to see. A shiver raked down Faith's spine at her mother's cold hands on her bare shoulders. She could feel her mother's nails digging into her skin but it didn't bother her. She merely glanced at her mother through the body size mirror in front of her. Crystal blue eyes clashed against sinister emerald eyes.

"Don't mess up," Circe ordered before she left the room with the woman.

Faith rushed to her bag and rummaged through it for her phone. She had Marcel's number on speed dial and waited for the vampire to answer the call.

"Hey," She heard his voice. "I'll put her on the phone."

"Mommy?" Faith's heart swelled in happiness at the sound of Dani's small voice.

"Hey, sweetie," she smiled, gently. "How are you doing?"

"I'm eating fries," Dani said, happily. "Uncle Marcel took me to the park today and I sang the ABCs to Mrs. Neal. She said I did a good job!"

"You're so smart," Faith complimented. "You better listen to Uncle Marcel, Dani."

"I am," the little girl said, softly. "Mama? When are you coming back? I miss you."

"I miss you, too, sweetie," Faith sighed. "But I don't know when I can come back."

There was a silence before Marcel's voice filled it. "She misses you. She keeps asking for you every day."

"I can't go back," Faith trailed off. "If I ask to go back, Circe would get suspicious."

"That's not the only reason," Marcel spoke. "You feel guilty."

"Of course, I do!" Faith whispered-yelled into the phone. "I killed her family and she calls me 'Mom'. How else am I supposed to feel?"

"You saved her years of abuse and neglect, Faith. She won't have to go through the same thing you're going through right now."

There was a knock on the door and Faith looked to see Carol. The older woman smiled at the young girl. "You need to get out there, Faith. We're starting line-ups."

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec," Faith said. The older woman nodded and closed the door. The siphoner placed the phone back next to her ear. "I'll try to call later at night."

Faith gulped as her eyes met her mother's at the bottom of the stairs.

"Miss Faith Everly and her escort, Tyler Lockwood."

Faith exhaled before stepping down the stairs. Her arm wrapped around Tyler's as the rest of the girls made their way outside. The couples took their positions for the dance. Faith curtseyed whereas Tyler bowed with a smirk. Faith smirked back at the Lockwood, remembering the hard time the pair gave Carol during rehearsals.

The music began and the couples started dancing.

Faith rolled her ankle, her feet feeling sore from wearing heels the whole day. The rest of the court stood on stage waiting for the mayor to arrive with the results.

"Where's Amber?" Caroline whispered to Elena.

"I don't know."

"Who cares?" Faith whispered to the two. "They better hurry up with the results. My feet are killing me."

Richard Lockwood walked across the stage before standing in front of the audience. "Before I crown the winner, I'd like to offer a personal thank you to all of these young ladies for their efforts to better our community."

After the clapping resided, the Mayor continued. "So, without further adieu, it is my honor to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls...Miss Caroline Forbes!"

"Oh, thank god," Faith sighed in relief but her eyes soon met with her mother's angered ones. Her expression faltered and she looked away to the floor.

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Faith cringed at the harshness her mother used to yank her head up. She could feel the corner of her forehead swelling from being hit by the corner of stairs from falling down the steps of the basement. The pain on her back was bearable since she was used to falling down the basement stairs. She could feel bruising forming around her neck from where Circe held her down. She knew ligature markings were forming around her wrist and ankles.

Gashes on her legs and arms seeped with bright red blood. Faith's blood covered the kitchen knife that laid meaningless into the basement floor.

The siphoner took a deep breath as her blue eyes met her mother's emerald eyes. Faith gazed up at Circe, emotionless. Circe already knew Faith was scared of her, but the siphoner wouldn't let her mother see her in pain from her abuse. She gritted her teeth as Circe clenched a fist full of raven hair tighter.

Circe lazily studied her daughter's pale face with a bruise forming in the corner of her forehead. She held a lit cigarette between her index finger and middle finger. She inhaled the smoke of the cigarette before blowing it out. Her emerald eyes shined as the cold-hearted mother got an idea. Faith let out a scream of anguish as Circe twisted her cigarette into her daughter's skin. Her chest heaved up and down as silent tears flowed down her face.

"Next time don't mess up," Circe hissed, letting Faith's body drop on the cold floor.

The siphoner curled up on its own on the floor. Her body felt like lead and her energy was drained. She couldn't hear anything but her heart pounding in her ears. Her blue eyes dulled as they stared emptily at the metal chains on her wrists.

Maybe Marcel was right. Maybe Faith did save Dani from the years of abuse. Maybe she did well by killing that family. Maybe Dani would be able to live in a family filled with love. Maybe.

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