XXXV. Damage

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In the Lockwood cellar, Bonnie stared down at the Original hybrid's burnt body tied up in chains inside the coffin.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Klaus asked from inside of Tyler's body, causing the witch to turn around at the sudden voice.

"What is that doing here, Klaus? And Faith, too?" Bonnie questioned the hybrid as she motioned with her hand at the coffin next to Klaus' body. "The deal we made with Tyler was that you'd leave his body and jump into another body the first chance you got."

"Yes," Klaus agreed. "When I assumed I'd be a pile of ash, but fate and oxygen intervened and there I am."

He walked over to the coffin. "Put me back."

"I can't," Bonnie said.

Klaus grabbed the witch by the throat. "If you can't put me back then wake up Faith."

"I can't," Bonnie croaked. "I linked her to your body. Unless I'm able to put you back into your body, she'll stay in that coma."

"Then put her in someone else's body because I don't trust you with Faith's life," Klaus ordered. "Everyone knows how much you hate her, just as much as she hates Elena."

"Fine," Bonnie agreed and the hybrid let go of her. "I'll put her in Caroline's body."

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Caroline pulled her bag over her shoulder as she was leaving her home and her phone began to ring. "Mom, hey!" she answered the phone.

"Caroline, where are you? And tell me it's far away," Sheriff Forbes said, worriedly.

"Where am I?" Caroline repeated as she picked up her keys. "Uh, good question. There's just a whole lot of boring highways. Why? Is everything okay?"

She closed the door behind her when she began to feel intense pain in her head. She dropped her phone as she held her head in her hands. She clenched her eyes shut at the immense pain in her head. When she opened her eyes again after a few seconds, she looked around confused at her surroundings.

As she was about to turn around, someone came up from behind her before stabbing her neck with a needle filled with vervain causing her to pass out. Faith inside of the blonde's body was confused about what the hell was happening.

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Tyler's phone rang as Klaus inside of Tyler's body took it out from his pocket. "You incessant woman," Klaus said in annoyance before he answered. "Hey, mom, what's up?"

"Tyler, thank God. Are - are you okay?" Carol asked, worriedly.

"Fine. Why? What's going on?" Klaus questioned in Tyler's tone.

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