XXXI. Breaking Down Walls

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"You're so overdramatic," Faith chuckled after Klaus bit into his hand, drawing blood as he stood in front of Bonnie. The Bennett witch's green eyes widened at the sight of the siphoner. She wasn't expecting the girl to be here, especially since she left town a few days ago. Bonnie observed how Faith smiled around the hybrid, but her blue eyes turned cold and murderous at the sight of her. Bonnie felt the same fear she felt around the hybrid.

"Well if it isn't the Bennett witch," Faith smirked as she stood next to Klaus. "I heard your mother left you. Again."

"You're with him?" Bonnie questioned, angrily. "He knows where Jeremy is. He's threatening me!"

"Am I supposed to care?" Faith shot back. "He could threaten you all he wants. I'm not his boss nor do I care about you, Bennett. Never did and especially not now, after what happened with my mother."

"Faith, I'm sorry," Bonnie apologized, looking down.

"If you're really sorry," Faith stepped forward and hovered over the witch. "Do the fucking spell, Bonnie or it won't be Kol killing Jeremy. It will be me."

Reluctantly, Bonnie picked up the glass cup, holding it underneath Klaus' bleeding hand so his blood dripped into the glass. She went back to the small table and placed the glass cup in the middle surrounded by lit candles. She began chanting as she poured the rest of the Mikaelson blood into the glass. After pouring the last bottle of blood, Bonnie glanced at Faith. The siphoner smirked and grabbed a cleaned knife from Klaus, handing it to the witch.

Bonnie held Faith's hand with her palm facing up. As she was about to cut through her flesh, she noticed the circular scar in the middle of her palm. Elena had told her about what happened to the siphoner before everything about Abby happened. How Circe had dug two nails into each of Faith's palms like she was crucifying her, causing scarring and the bones in her hand to be crushed by the nails.

"You know," Bonnie glanced up at the smirking siphoner, "staring is impolite."

The witch let out a breath before slicing the knife across Faith's palm. She turned her hand upside down so the siphoner's blood dripped into the glass cup. Faith was paying attention to the Bennett witch and didn't notice Klaus holding her injured hand and wrapping it in bandages, so it doesn't get infected until he's able to give her his blood to heal. Bonnie poured the glass filled with blood onto the wooden table and continued chanting causing the spilled blood to disperse into six different circles.

The flames flared up meaning the spell was working. The six small blood pools began to move away from each other. The flames on the candles calmed down as Klaus looked at Faith for reassurance. Faith nodded with a smile to show that Bonnie undid the spell.

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Faith walked toward the foyer of the mansion. She had stayed back in the room to call Marcel to keep him updated where she was and to ask how Dani was doing. When Faith returned to New Orleans, the five-year-old wouldn't talk to her. She kept saying that she didn't like her mom leaving all the time and wanted to stay with her.

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