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"Do you really need to talk to her?" Faith asked Klaus as they stood in the middle of the gym while the rest of the student body danced around them in their 1920s attire. Klaus gave her a navy blue flapper dress paired with silk white gloves.

"There's no need to be jealous, love," Klaus answered with a smirk as the siphoner scowled at him. "She was the one who told me to tell you."

"Fine," Faith agreed, reluctantly as Tyler took notice of the two of them and soon Caroline noticed them.

"Where've you been, mate?" Klaus stepped forward with one arm wrapped around Faith's waist.

"I just got back in town," Tyler answered, glancing at the arm wrapped around Faith.

"That's funny, I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place," Klaus said with a serious tone before stepping forward. "You don't mind if I cut in, do you?"

"Yes," Caroline replied. "Actually we do and you have your own date. We wouldn't want her to get jealous."

"Please," Faith rolled her eyes. "There's no need to worry about me. Tyler here can dance with me while the two of you talk."

Tyler glanced at Klaus and Caroline before stepping back. "It's fine."

"Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?!" Caroline criticized.

"I don't have to prove anything. I am the alpha male," Klaus smirked.

Caroline glanced at Faith for help but only got a deadpanned look. "None of us likes being controlled, Barbie," Faith slipped away from Klaus' embrace. "We just have to compromise."

She walked over to Tyler but stopped next to Caroline. "Don't try anything," Faith threatened. "I've never been jealous in my whole life, Caroline. So I don't know how I'll react. Watch yourself."

Faith smiled as she went into Tyler's arms and they began to dance. "You could relax," Faith whispered into his ear as they moved side to side to the slow song. "You can hear what they're talking about."

"How can you be okay with this?" Tyler asked.

"I'm not," Faith admitted. "I know Klaus tried to get with Caroline. I was there when he invited her to the ball, but it's not like I can be jealous of that. I didn't even know I love him then."

"Do you know about the drawing?"

"I was there when he drew it," Faith replied. "She was the one who told him to confess his feelings about me."

"Why did he flirt with her then?" Tyler remarked.

Faith pulled away slightly and looked at Tyler. Blue eyes met with frustrated and worried dark brown eyes. "Tyler, I was a mess. How the hell would someone tell their love to a depressed person? That would just add more pressure on the person. He was being careful around me."

[I] Freedom {Klaus Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now