XXX. The Blame

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Faith waved her fingers, mockingly at Stefan as he arrived at the Salvatore House from behind his brother. She leaned one arm against the chair where Elijah sat in. "They have Elena," Damon explained to his brother.

"Technically, Rebekah has her," Faith corrected. "I'm sure she's just eager to kill your little brunette."

"So if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help me stop my mother," Elijah bargained.

"I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing thousand-year-old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty," Damon said, sarcastically.

"Yes, unfortunately even when killed, my mother doesn't seem to want to stay dead," Elijah said, "not with the spirits of nature at her side."

"So what are we supposed to do?" Stefan questioned.

"The witches that released her," Faith began. "She's drawing her power from their bloodline. That line needs to be broken, which I'm all for and I would happily do it myself, but they will try to kill me the moment they see me."

Elijah stood up from the chair. "In any case, you have until six minutes after nine to find them."

"How superspecific of you," Damon replied, sarcastically.

"By 9:07, the moon will be full and my mother will have the power she needs to kill me and my family. If you do not stop her before then, Rebekah will kill Elena, so we all have our timeline. I suggest you get started."

"And why are you helping them? Don't you hate Klaus?" Damon questioned the siphoner.

"Eh, not really," Faith shrugged. "But you see if Esther kills her children, I will also die, Damon. My ancestor's magic was used to create them, which means severed magic ergo I die."

Damon frowned at the information. Faith smiled, sadly at the vampire. "Damon as long as Elena is alive and you will do anything to protect her, you will always have to choose between us. And sadly because I love you, I don't want you to keep choosing and I don't want to constantly betray you. Although I don't like that you love Elena, I want you to be happy. You don't have to protect me, I have Elijah and Rebekah. I'll be fine."

"I promised your dad that I would protect you," Damon protested.

Faith shrugged. "Well, that old geezer just has to deal with it. You can still protect and care for me if you want, I'm not going to stop you, but just know that I will choose whatever I need to survive. I need to care for a child and for that I need my life."

She smiled before she followed after Elijah.

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Faith walked inside the Mystic Grill. She looked around confused as her eyes traveled around the bar before meeting with the two Mikaelson brothers. She smiled at the two as they raised their glasses of alcohol in greeting. "What are the two of you doing here?"

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