XXIV. Kidnapping Skills

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"Look, Mr..." Faith trailed off as she looped a black belt through her whitewashed blue shorts and fixed her tucked in a fitted black tank top. She grabbed her shoulder bag and looked at her mother's executor.

"Mr. Andrew," the man said.

"I don't really care about my mother's will," Faith began. "You should leave and I'm late for school."

"But Ms-"

The man didn't get to finish as Faith dragged the man out of the house. She showed him a strained smile before closing the door in his face. She rolled her eyes before disappearing from the house and reappearing at Mystic Falls High School.

"I was wondering where you were."

She turned around and grinned at Rebekah. The blonde looked at the raven-haired girl with an annoyed expression with her arms crossed. She humphed and turned around in the direction of History class with Faith following after her.

"I'm going with the Salvatore brothers weren't as welcoming as you wanted," Faith guessed.

"After my brother made Stefan turn off his humanity, he's been rude," Rebekah complained.

Faith shrugged with an amused smile. "He had his humanity off when you met him in the '20s."

"How do you know that?" Rebekah looked at her with questioning eyes.

"Your brother told me," Faith answered.

Rebekah had a surprised expression as Faith walked inside the classroom. She watched as the siphoner showed her mischievous smile at the History teacher before sitting down in front of Stefan. Her surprised expression disappeared as she entered the classroom with a smirk.

"What about the Vikings?" She asked as she sat down on the desk in front of Faith.

"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States," Alaric explained with a confused expression. "Who are you?"

"My name's Rebekah. I'm new and history's my favorite subject."

"And my friend, Ric," Faith plastered a sweet smile on her lips. "So I would be nice to her," she shrugged and made a sad face. "I mean, my mother did die a few months ago and she's been helping me cope."

She smiled, mischievously as Elena and Alaric shared worried glances.

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"Figured you'd feel comfortable here."

"Who are you talking to?" Faith questioned with her arm crossed. A joint was lit between her fingers as her eyebrows were raised at Matt.

She took a drag before the smoke escaped from her lips. Her eyes narrowed on the blonde male who seemed to look at something beside him, but no one was around them. She stared at him for a few seconds before Matt raised his head and looked at her in the eyes.

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