IX. Whiskey

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A month later

"Heard you're leaving tomorrow, Everly," Marcel said, drinking bourbon with his brown eyes trained on the siphoner playing with the small toddler on a rug on the floor inside his house.

"Yeah since you didn't succeed in killing my mother," Faith replied before smiling at the toddler who was drawing with a crayon on a white sheet of paper.

Faith brushed the toddler's bangs from her face so she'll be able to see better. Faith and Marcel have decided to, ironically, name the little girl; Dani Woods. Marcel had compelled the police and social services into giving Faith custody even though the siphoner didn't want to be Dani's mother since she was the one who killed the little girl's family. The toddler's legal name was: Dani Everly, but goes by Dani Woods.

The past month, they were able to keep Dani a secret from Circe. Dani had also gained some weight and was homeschooled by a compelled teacher, thanks to Marcel. She was checked by a pediatrician the first few weeks to check on her health. Of course, Dani wasn't able to eat normally for a while since she was malnourished and would throw up, but she was getting better.

"I'll trust you with her, Marcel," Faith said, kissing Dani on the head before standing up. She was about to leave but small hands tugged onto her jeans. She looked down to see a mop of brown hair and crouched down to the toddler's height.

Her blue eyes met Dani's hazel eyes. The toddler held out the paper she was drawing on to Faith. The siphoner gently took the drawing and looked at it with a smile. It was a bunch of scribbles and shapes, but Faith loved it.

"Mama, don't go," Dani whimpered, tears falling.

Faith smiled, sadly and wiped her tears away with her thumb. "I'll be back, Dani. Uncle Marcel will take care of you until I come back, okay?"

"Come on, Dani," Marcel stood up and picked up the toddler. "Don't you want to play with me?"

"Yeah!" The toddler giggled.

Marcel motioned the siphoner to leave while Dani was distracted. Faith smiled, sadly before reluctantly leaving the building.

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Circe dragged Faith by the arm as she pulled them into the Founder's Hall in Mystic Falls. Circe Everly was dressed in a cream-colored dress whereas Faith wore a navy blue dress. Once inside the building, Circe left her daughter and began looking for the mayor.

"Don't embarrass me, young man!" Damon yelled after his brother before his blue eyes caught sight of a certain siphoner.

"Faith Everly," the vampire greeted her, causing the girl to turn her attention on him. He noticed her hand rubbing her arm as if it hurt her. "Where have you been in the last month?"

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