XL. Torture and Drinking Buddies

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Faith's fingers drummed against the wooden table in the library as she waited. She smirked in amusement as Rebekah hung up after calling Tyler. Her blue eyes lit up at the sight of Kol at the library doors.

"Sister," Kol called out as he studied the group of vampires in the library. "Look at this. You're even worse than Klaus."

"Kol, finally," Rebekah smiled at her brother. "Did you bring me what I asked for?"

He pulled the professor into the library. Faith stood up from the table and studied the professor with curiosity as she stood next to Rebekah. "Hmm. He doesn't look much."

• • • •

Kol threw the professor into the janitor closet as Rebekah and Faith followed after him. Faith frowned as the professor looked more amazed than terrified of them. "Kol," he pointed at him before looking at Rebekah, "and Rebekah Mikaelson, two members of the Original vampire family."

"I already don't like him," Faith announced as Rebekah tried to compel him.

"Compulsion won't work," Professor Shane revealed. "A little trick I picked up in Tibet."

Faith stepped up along with Kol with amused smiles. "Well, that's good. We'll just do this the old fashion way."

"Beat him until he tells you where to find the cure," Rebekah ordered before she left the closet.

"So how do you want to do this?" Faith questioned as she watched the professor get scared. "Break a few bones, torture, or switch it up a bit?"

Kol glanced at the siphoner. "If you weren't with my brother, I would've swept you off your feet."

Faith rolled her eyes but kept her smile. "Please. We both know we wouldn't be able to control each other. This is why we're better as friends. Torture and drinking buddies."

"Are you really talking about your relationship right now?" The professor interrupted.

Faith looked at him with a serious expression. The professor looked at her in confusion before he started yelling in pain. The bones in his hand felt like they were being crushed.

"I don't think anyone invited you to this conversation," Faith remarked.

Kol grabbed him from the nape of his neck. He pulled the professor toward a sink in the closet filled with water. He forced his head to go underwater before pulling him out. "Where's the cure?"

"You're human," Rebekah said as she entered the room. "Why do you want it anyway?"

"That's the beauty of this," he gasped. "You can have it. I just want Silas."

"What?" Faith snapped at the mention of the name.

Kol pulled him up with force as he held him from his shirt. "No! What do you know about Silas?"

"He's the world's first immortal being, who just happens to be imprisoned with the cure...and I want to free him," he said.

"No!" Kol immediately dunked Shane's head underwater in anger.

Faith's eyes started to move as she began to think over the situation. The siphoner knew about Silas. Before her father died, he used to tell her about the story of the first immortal being and how he should never be woken. Her father didn't know about Silas until he met Circe, but he knew it was smart to be afraid of him.

"Stop!" Rebekah yelled at Kol as Shane was about to die. Kol pulled him out and let go of him. "He's of no use dead."

"Did you not just hear what he said?! Silas will kill us all, sister," Kol shouted as he pointed at Shane, who was still gasping for air.

"Silas does not exist. He is a fairytale made up to scare children into eating their vegetables," Rebekah dismissed.

"Silas is very real. I know where he's buried, and soon I will have the spell that wakes him," Shane insisted.

"You're lying," Faith narrowed her eyes on the professor. "You can't wake him without-"

"His tombstone?" Shane finished. "Dozens to die in a blood sacrifice? Believe me, I know. I've done it. Those massacres are a pain to engineer."

"The council," Faith realized. "And Klaus' hybrids. They were all planned."

"It was a noble sacrifice...and temporary, because once I raise Silas, Silas will raise the dead," Shane said slowly. In fear, Faith glanced around for something. She noticed Kol looking at a stack of metal pipes. "He will bring back every last soul who died on his behalf."

"No!" Kol bellowed before driving the metal pipe into the professor's stomach.

Shane's hands went to his stomach as he fell to the ground. After his body went lax, Faith checked to make sure he was dead. She let out a sigh of relief when she found no pulse.

"You should be thanking me," Kol told his sister.

"You killed my only chance at finding the cure," Rebekah countered.

"Keeping Silas asleep is more important than turning into a human, Rebekah," Faith agreed with Kol. "He'll raise hell on Earth."

Kol pulled out the white oak stake. "Frankly, sister, I don't think you could handle it."

Rebekah stepped back. "How did you get that?"

"Way too easily," Kol smirked before walking out of the janitor closet.

Rebekah looked at Faith, suspiciously. The siphoner raised her arms in surrender as she showed she didn't know how Kol got the stake. Angrily, Rebekah followed after Kol as Faith trailed after the Mikaelson siblings.

"This is a long day," Faith sighed as she stepped over Shane's body.

• • • •

"Silas was buried with the cure, Klaus," Faith told the hybrid, trying to knock some sense into him.

"He is just a fairytale, love," Klaus dismissed as he poured himself and Faith drinks. He placed her glass in front of her. "He's not real."

"Fairytales always have some truth behind them," Faith said before she took a sip of the alcohol. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as the alcohol tasted bad. She frowned as alcohol never tasted bad to her. It was only a little over a week ago when she was drinking vodka.

She moved the glass filled with alcohol to the side as the doors to the bar opened. She looked back to see Damon, Jeremy, and Matt walking in. They glanced at the number of dead bodies in the bar.

"I was beginning to worry you boys wouldn't find the place," Klaus called out.

"What the hell...?" Jeremy looked around the bar.

"Did you kill all these people?" Matt questioned the hybrid.

"Not exactly," Klaus smiled, "They're in transition," he said before pointing at Jeremy. "Killing them is your job."

Matt and Jeremy glanced at each other before looking at Damon. "You said you were going to convince Klaus to do this another way!" Jeremy accused.

Faith glanced at Damon. "Talk about communication, but then again his sister is sired to you. One word from you and she'll be okay with all of this."

Damon only smiled at her mockingly. "Well, I thought about it, and then I realized his idea was better," he told the two boys.

Klaus and Faith smirked as the bodies started to wake up.

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