V. Porcelain Doll

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Faith groaned as the sunlight hit her eyelids, waking her up. Her eyes fluttered as she observed the unfamiliar bedroom. She stretched her body before noticing she was naked under the bedsheets. Pulling the bedsheets around her body as she sat up on the bed. Looking beside her, she sighed at the sight of a sleeping Jeremy Gilbert who was probably also naked.

She slept with Jeremy Gilbert for the second time and she wasn't even that drunk or high.

She combed her hand through her frizzy and tangled black hair before deciding to go to the restroom. She found her bra and underwear, and slipped into one of Jeremy's shirts at the moment and headed to the bathroom. She had been in the Gilbert house before being 'friends' with Elena so she knew where everything was.

Faith stared at her reflection in the mirror. She definitely had bed/sex hair with a small hickey above her collarbone. She splashed water on her face as a way to wake her up. She was going to open the bathroom door but heard footsteps right outside. Panicked, her hand flew to her necklace and relief set in when she wrapped her hand around the teardrop ruby jewel. She used the magic in the gemstone to disappear from inside the bathroom just as the door opened.

She sighed as she appeared back inside Jeremy's room with her back against the door. She quickly began to look around the floor for the rest of her clothes. Once she gathered them on the bed, she slipped off Jeremy's shirt.


Faith jumped at the sudden voice of Jeremy as he woke up. "Holy shit, Jer. You scared the fucking crap out of me."

A small smirk appeared on his lips as Faith pulled her jeans up and placed her arm through her shirt. "I thought you already left."

"Yeah, well," Faith shrugged as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. "Now I am." Jeremy began to say something but Faith stopped him. "Don't worry. I won't tell Vicki if you don't tell her. I know you like her and everything."

And with that, Jeremy watched as Faith left his bedroom, silently and he didn't hear his sister or aunt saying about her meaning she managed to leave without a trace.

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"Yes, Mrs. Lockwood, your son already came for the box," Faith replied with her phone between her ear and shoulder as she pulled out a mint colored floral dress for the Founder's party. "No, I'm not his date. No, no! I mean, there's no need for him to be my date, Mrs. Lockwood. I'll see you at the party."

Faith made sure to turn off her phone all the way so Mrs. Lockwood would stop calling her. For whatever reason, Carol Lockwood wanted Faith to marry her son and whatnot but the blue-eyed girl knew how much the older woman was a bitch. Both of Tyler's parents were major assholes.

In what little time Tyler and she dated, their parents wouldn't stop talking about how they couldn't wait until they grew up and could get married. They were the primary reason why they broke up. That and Tyler was an asshole especially after he found out Faith was being abused by her mother.

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