XVII. Betrayal

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"Elijah," Faith gasped at the sight of the Original vampire standing on the porch of her house.

She only appeared in the front yard a few seconds ago from staying in New Orleans a few days. After she was rescued from being kidnapped, she wanted to make sure Dani was okay and to just be with her. Damon has kept her updated with what has been happening in Mystic Falls.

He had informed her about Elijah's deal with Elena, especially telling her how he didn't trust the Original. The doppelgänger had made a deal with him after Stefan was stuck in the tomb. The Salvatore had rescued Jeremy from Katherine but ended up stuck himself. He was freed when they made a deal.

The dark-haired vampire had also told her about a werewolf by the name of Jules, who was looking for Mason. During the full moon, apparently, Jules bit Rose and ended up killing her. Faith was glad the vampire died especially after she kidnapped her. Of course, she didn't show her glee to Damon since he was broken-hearted after her death. They had a conflict with a pack of werewolves after they had taken Caroline but was resolved with the help of Elijah's warlock.

Damon wasn't the reason Faith came back to Mystic Falls. It was Elijah. The vampire had managed to get her phone number and called her to come back. Faith couldn't reject his orders since she was part of the Everly family.

"Faith," Elijah greeted her with a kind smile. "It's good to have you back. Though you did leave me with a stake through my chest."

"Would you forgive me if I tell you I had many chances to kill Elena and didn't?" Faith asked with a mischievous smile.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't kill her," Elijah said with the same humor as Faith. "We wouldn't want to have your funeral to be too soon."

"So what are you doing here?" She changed the subject. "I'm sure you have better things to be doing than talk to me."

"Damon invited me to a dinner party," he told her. "I need a date."

She frowned at the mention of the dark-haired vampire. "You shouldn't go, Elijah. He will try to kill you."

"You're worried," he observed. "But not just for me. You care for Damon."

Faith shrugged. "I guess, but Elijah, I don't want you to die even if it's not permanent. You need to be careful."

"That's why you should accompany me to the dinner party," Elijah explained.

Faith played with the teardrop ruby gemstone on her necklace as she thought. She let out a sigh. "Fine, I'll be your date. Though I don't know what hell I could do when I'm just human and they could just knock me out."

"I truly missed your optimism, Faith," Elijah said.

"I've missed you, too, Elijah," Faith smirked back in response.

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Faith had managed to ignore Damon's intense gaze on her for most of the dinner, but it was starting to get on her nerves. He was visibly angry and perplexed when he saw the siphoner standing next to Elijah when he entered the door. He had a look of betrayal when Faith told him that she would do anything for the Original and she trusted him with her life.

She posed a sweet smile at Jenna from across the table when their eyes met as the waves of murder intent were directed at her. "Sorry, guys, dessert is taking longer than I thought," The older woman apologized as Damon and Elijah sat down on the table. "Like I told Faith, I usually just unwrap food."

She left the table to go to the kitchen. Andie, Damon's girlfriend/blood bag, looked at Elijah. "So, I know this is a social thing, but I would really love to ask you some more questions about the work that you're doing here."

"I'd love to answer," Elijah replied.

"Ric, would you do me a favor and grab the notebook out of my bag?" Andie asked him. The history teacher nodded and walked over to the journalist's bag.

"Elijah, did John tell you he's Elena's uncle-slash-father?" Damon asked, glaring at the Gilbert.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that," Elijah answered.

"Did he also mention how much of an annoyance he is?" Faith asked as she smirked at the unease expression on John.

"Of course, she hates him," Damon continued. "So there's absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list."

"Oh, I could do that myself," Faith interfered. John was on her hit list since the night of Founder's day when he spoke about her parents. Especially saying how similar her personality was to her mother's. "I've noticed you don't wear that special little ring, John. Just a wave of my hand and you could die or I could torture you until you do. Whatever you decide is fine with me."

"No Ric, it's in the front pocket," Andie spoke up as if their conversation wasn't happening. "On the...you know what? Excuse me, guys. Sorry."

They paid no attention to the journalist getting up from the table as the two vampires and the siphoner looked at John.

"Faith is also not in Elena's list," Damon began with narrowed blue eyes on the siphoner. Faith frowned at the sudden betrayal but she knew it was bound to happen. "The two hate each other."

"What I'd like to know, Elijah, is how do you intend on killing Klaus?" John asked, interrupting the tense discussion.

"Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now," Elijah said, calmly before glancing at the teenage girl. "I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again."

"And no, Faith isn't in Elena's list, Damon," Elijah glared at the younger vampire. "But she is in mine and you're in hers. Another reason why I'm keeping you alive."

There was a sound of breaking glass and Faith was knocked out. Her body slumped up against the table in front of her as Alaric stabbed Elijah in the heart with a silver blade through the back of his chair. John and Damon looked in shock at Andie and Alaric.

Alaric looked at Damon. "Now, get rid of them before Jenna comes back with dessert."

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When Elijah woke up from being dead, he was in a cellar in the basement of the Salvatore house. Across from him was Faith up against the brick wall, knocked out. Enraged by the situation, he picked the siphoner up with his arms supporting her back and under her legs. Her head laid against his chest as Elijah rushed to the Martin Residence.

He pushed the door open. Jonas Martin turned around to see the Original with a girl in his arms. "What happened? Who is she?"

"I need you to find Elena," Elijah said with restrained anger before carefully laying Faith on a leather couch in the apartment. "Now."

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Sorry, I didn't updated on Tuesday. I thought I did, but I didn't 😂. It's been hectic since school started for me. I'll try to keep my updating schedule constant unless I have tests to study for and homework to do.

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