XLVII. Graduation

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Klaus woke up to an empty bed. He glanced around for the siphoner, but she was nowhere in sight. He stood up from the bed and searched the whole mansion until he arrived at an empty room. Used candles, blood, and a map were on the ground signaling Faith had used magic.

His eyes narrowed when he heard the floor creak from behind him. He turned around only for his neck to be snapped, killing him temporarily.

Daniel Woods stood over the hybrid's body. "My daughter has the same bad taste as me."

He grabbed the hybrid by the leg and dragged him across the floor.

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Klaus's head rolled to the side before he lifted it. His arms were chained up to the ceiling and his body ached. A blonde man with familiar blue eyes sat in front of him on the couch. He was flipping through the pages of one of the Everly's grimoires. Growing bored of it, he threw it to the side on the couch.

He grinned when he noticed the hybrid awake. "Ah! You're awake, that's good."

"What have you done to me?" Klaus glowered, pulling on the chains despite his weakened body.

"Oh, nothing much," he dismissed. "Just did a few spells here and there."

He stood up from the couch and walked up to Klaus. He crossed his arms, his eyes shining with amusement as he stood about a foot away from the hybrid. "Now, can you tell me where my daughter is?"

"I don't remember killing you," Klaus said, instead. "I've killed over thousands of supernatural beings. I hope you don't expect me to know who you are or much less where your daughter is."

The man's blue eyes hardened. His magic concentrated on the chained up hybrid, ready to snap his neck again when a voice spoke from the doorway of the room.

"Klaus?" Footsteps followed in a hurry. "Dad?"

Both men turned to the woman they both love, dearly. With her black frizzy hair pulled into a ponytail away from her face, her confused expression changed into a smile. Faith rushed toward the blonde man. Her arms wrapped around his neck as the man wrapped his arms around her.

"Dad?" Klaus repeated, watching the interaction between the father and daughter.

Faith pulled away from her father's embrace, grinning happily at him. Her expression soon faltered and turned into worry. "If you're here, that means..."

Her eyes widened and turned around to leave in a hurry. Daniel immediately grabbed her hand from leaving. "Circe is taken care of. I've made sure to let the other supernatural beings know what she has done. No one is going to let her hurt you or Dani. Especially since that Mikaelson boy is basically their leader and cares for you."

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