XIII. Lemonade

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"Mama!" Faith turned around at the squealing voice of Dani. She smiled at the sight of the toddler running towards her. Faith crouched down just in time as Dani jumped into her arms with a large piece of paper in her hands. She took the paper and looked at it, holding Dani on her hip.

"What's this?" She asked the toddler. She studied the large drawing. It looked like an older woman holding a little girl's hand and a man next to the girl.

"That's Mama," Dani pointed to the older woman in the drawing before pointing at the little girl. "That's me and that's Uncle Marcel."

"Well, it's beautiful," Faith places the toddler on the ground. "You would make a great artist."

She watched Dani smile, showing her missing tooth on the top row of her mouth before running off into the living room. After Circe left for New York for business, Faith came to New Orleans to visit Dani. She's been staying in an apartment a few minutes away from the French Quarter with Dani. She was able to get the apartment with the help of Marcel.

Faith went to the kitchen to make the toddler some food when her phone started ringing. She grabbed the phone from the dining table and answered with her eyes trained on Dani who was busy drawing on the coffee table. "Hello?"

"I need you to come back to Mystic Falls," Damon's voice filled her ears. "I might've seriously pissed off a certain werewolf."

Faith sighed. "Which Lockwood? It can't be the Mayor, he's dead. Was it Tyler?"

"Wait," Damon paused. "You knew? And you didn't tell me?"

Faith rolled her eyes even though the vampire couldn't see her. "I didn't like you, Damon. Now which one?"

"Mason Lockwood."

"Seriously, Damon?" Faith groaned. "If I remember correctly, he's handsome. A bit old but then again, Elena is dating your brother."

"About that," Damon trailed off. "They broke up tonight."

Faith's eyes narrowed, suspiciously. "Why? Did you kiss her again? Or thought you did?"

"No," Damon scoffed. "Katherine."

Faith sighed, running a hand through her raven hair. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Mama! I'm hungry!" Dani rushed toward Faith. The siphoner's eyes widened, knowing Damon had heard the toddler through the phone.

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