XXXII. Happier

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Klaus ran a hand through Faith's raven hair before laying it on top of her mid-back. White sheets were draped over her naked body as she cuddled over the side of the hybrid's body. She had a peaceful look as her head laid on his chest as she continued to sleep.

It almost felt unreal with the siphoner laying next to him.

Faith began to shift around as she started to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open revealing her crystal blue eyes. A sleepy smile appeared on her lips as she looked at Klaus. "Hey," Faith greeted with a small yawn.

"Morning, love," Klaus greeted back with a smile. His dark blue-green eyes studied her as she sat up, pulling the white sheets over her chest, covering her beautiful body. He had every inch of her body memorized into his mind, but he couldn't get enough of looking at her.

"What time is it?" Faith glanced around for her phone. "I promised Rebekah I would help her organize the dance. Thank god she changed the theme to the '20s."

Klaus pulled the siphoner by her arm causing Faith to lay on top of him. He grinned at her, "wouldn't you want to spend the day with me?"

Amusement shined through her eyes as she smirked at the hybrid, feeling a flutter in her chest. She leaned her face closer to Klaus, teasingly. Their lips almost touching and at the last moment, she pulled away and got off the bed with the sheets wrapped around her body.

"As much as I like to," Faith glanced back at Klaus from the doorway with a smirk, who laid on his bed with an annoyed look, "Your sister is going to kill me if I'm more late than I already am. Plus, don't you have to check on some brothers, so you don't die?"

"I'll appreciate it if you don't die the day after we confessed our undying love and had sex, Klaus!" Faith yelled from outside the bedroom causing the hybrid to laugh.

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"You're late," Rebekah said, annoyed as Faith rushed inside the cafeteria, throwing her red flannel over her black tank top and pulling her hair out of her clothes. The Original's blue eyes narrowed, suspiciously on the siphoner as she grinned at her.

She seemed happy. Happier than she's ever seen the siphoner be.

"What's got you in a good mood?" Matt asked from the table behind Rebekah.

"No reason," Faith answered, vaguely before looking around at the number of boxes filled with props for the dance. "So where do you want me?"

Rebekah handed her a stack of fliers. "Go put these around."

Faith grabbed them, but the blonde held a tight grip on them. She looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You slept with my brother, didn't you?" Rebekah inquired in surprise. "You love him?"

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