III. Pills

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"Vicki Donovan," Faith called out her name with a smirk as she walked up to the brunette who was talking to Jeremy Gilbert in the Mystic Grill. Once in reaching distance, the siphoner pulled the older girl into a hug. "Thank god, you're okay. I visited yesterday, but you were still asleep."

Vicki smiled as they pulled away. "Yeah, Matt told me."

"Are you feeling okay?" Jeremy asked with his hands stuffed inside his black jacket pockets.

Vicki sighed. "I hurt."

"Well, they gave you something for that, right?" Faith questioned.

"Yeah, the kid stuff, nothing with an 'o' in it," Vicki said, making all three of them laugh a bit. "I think they were on to me."

Faith's eyes shined at the sight of a bottle of pills in Jeremy's hand. Before Vicki could grab the bottle, Faith grabbed it and started counting the number of pills inside the bottle. With a shake of the bottle, Faith smirked at Jeremy. "Jeremy, you're my favorite Gilbert, you know that right?"

Her statement made Vicki and Jeremy laugh. The young Gilbert gazed at the brunette girl in front of him. "Knock yourselves out, literally."

"Thanks, Jer," Vicki told him as she shook a pill into her hand before popping it into her mouth before handing the bottle to Faith.

The siphoner ignored her friend's and Jeremy's conversation as she stared at the bottle of pills in her hand. Faith wasn't stupid. She knew doing drugs was bad and all the other things parents would tell their children, but Faith was an orphan. Her mother 'died' when she was three and her father died when she was six. Circe Everly wasn't her mother. She was Faith's torturer.

Getting drunk, high, and her constant times she jumped off Wickery Bridge were her attempts to escape her cruel life.

And Faith Everly didn't know how long she is going to be able to live how she is. She was a ticking time bomb. A time bomb that could explode at any moment.

"Faith?" At the sound of her name, she raised her head to meet Jeremy's dark brown eyes that shined with worry.

Jeremy's eyebrows only furrowed at Faith's eyes. Crystal blue jews gleamed under pools of tears, trying to keep the tears from escaping. He didn't notice his hand reaching up to her face until the slightly older girl flinched away. Faith cleared her throat before blinking away her tears and a sad smile appeared on her lips.

"I gotta go," she whispered as if she wasn't allowed to talk. "See you later, little Gilbert."

The dark-haired boy was used to the older girl to be sarcastic around people her age, and polite around adults, so he was worried when Faith looked like she wanted to cry. He knew Faith Everly as the girl who was strong. Who didn't make a big deal out of having bruises and scars on her body when she was younger. He didn't know what to say and Jeremy only watched in confusion and sadness as Faith Everly walked out of the grill.

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"Trouble in paradise?" Faith spoke up as a certain green-eyes vampire walked past her. Stefan studied the young girl leaning against a brick wall. Her crystal blue shined with amusement, yet they seemed to be yelling that something was wrong. His eyes trailed down to her hand were a lit joint was.

Faith brought up the joint up to her lips before a light smoke blew out from between her lips. Noticing a certain Donovan walking up to them, Faith dropped the joint and smashed it under her foot before faking a beautiful smile.

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