XVIII. One Side

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"Thank you for coming," Stefan greeted the Martins and Faith.

The siphoner scowled at the sight of Stefan and Bonnie. Jonas was able to heal her with a spell so she wouldn't have to go to the hospital to get stitches. "Tell Damon that if I see his little blood bag, she's dead."

"We didn't want to but my son made a case to hear you out," Jonas said, calmly as they sat down.

"Bonnie said that you have information about Elijah," Luka said.

Stefan glanced at Bonnie before looking at the Martins and Faith. "Elijah's dead. I'm sorry."

Lights flashed as Faith stood up from the table. She glared at Stefan as Jonas stood up with her, "where the hell is he?"

"Hear me out," Stefan tried to calm them. "We can help you."

"We know that Klaus has your daughter," Bonnie began before glancing at Luka. "I'm sorry about the way I had to get that information, but it's good that we know. We can all work together to get her back."

"How?" Luka asked, reluctantly.

"I suspect that you and Elijah had a plan to kill Klaus. Let us help you carry it out. You can trust us. I give you my word. We all do," Stefan promised.

Faith and Jonas glanced at each other. They didn't know if they could trust them after they 'killed' Elijah.

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Faith sat across from Luka with his father sitting next to her. Lit candles were on the table as Jonas placed a spellbook in front of the siphoner.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, I would go if I could," Jonas told his son.

Luka ribbed his hands together, nervously. "No. I'm not strong enough to send you. I can do this."

"Okay," Faith held out her hand out to the warlock and their hands overlapped. "I'll use Jonas magic and I'll stay anchored. Use all our energy."

Jonas placed his hand on Faith's shoulder so she'll be able to siphon magic from him. He looked at his son in worry. "If you feel weak..."

"Dad, I want this just as much as you," Luka said.

"Concentrate on Elijah," Faith explained to him. "Picture him in your mind."

Luka closed his eyes and nodded. "I got it."

Faith glanced at Jonas and nodded. They both closed their eyes as Faith began chanting in Latin. Her shoulder glowed a faint red as she began to siphon the older warlock's magic.

"I'm in the Salvatore house. Elijah's body must be here," Luka described as they opened their eyes once the spell connected.

"What do you see?" Faith asked.

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