XXXIV. Careful

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"I'm sorry you couldn't attend the dance," Faith smiled, apologetic at the female Mikaelson as they went around the cafeteria picking up the mess from the dance. "And about your mother. We both had terrible mothers, but they were still our mothers."

"Thank you," Rebekah smiled, softly at the siphoner.

"How about after we're done here, we go drinking or whatever you do when you're mad or want to be alone?" Faith suggested before turning around at the blonde. "What do you do? Drain the blood of innocent victims? Kill a whole town of people?"

Rebekah only rolled her eyes at the siphoner at her teasing as she continued to pick trash from the cafeteria table. Faith turned around at the cafeteria doors opening to reveal Caroline. "Where's Matt?" She asked.

"He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute," Rebekah explained.

"Are you kidding me? So, it's just us?" Caroline questioned, walking closer to the other two girls.

"Yes, and you're late," Rebekah countered. "The cleanup committee started at eight o'clock."

"It's like 8:02," Caroline defended.

"I'm gonna go check if there are any other bags for the rest of the trash," Faith quickly excused herself, not wanting to hear the two blondes bickering. She shot Caroline an awkward smile before leaving the cafeteria.

The siphoner walked down the school hallway passing by Alaric's classroom. She paused at the doorway. Despite not being close to the teacher, Faith actually liked him. He was a bit awkward but meant well. She took one last look at the teacher's desk before turning around. She was met with something hitting her face. "Sorry-" Faith began, thinking it was Rebekah or Caroline as she looked up.

Her eyes widened at the sight of Alaric standing in front of her. Before she could react, the history teacher swung his arm forward, knocking Faith against the lined up desks. The back of her head hit the corner of a desk as the pain began to set in from crashing into multiple desks. Her head hung to the side as she lost consciousness.

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Faith blinked rapidly as she began to regain consciousness. She let out a groan of pain as she sat up from the desk. "People have got to stop knocking me out. At this point, I'll get brain damage."

"Good to see awake, Faith," Alaric looked at the siphoner.

Immediately, Faith tried to move from the desk but she was tied down by her wrists and ankles. She soon noticed Caroline tied up in the desk next to her while crying. A bad feeling settled inside of her as she began to have bad memories. Being tied up always did that to her. It brought back all those bad memories that caused Faith to freeze in fear.

"Oh, you have nothing to say?" Alaric mocked. "You know you're the worst of them all. Your boyfriend was the one who killed Jenna. He caused all these problems. And you're with him! You're as much of a monster he is!"

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